
Come meander with me on the pathless path of the Heart
in these anecdotal,
sometimes inspiring, sometimes personal meanderings of the Heart's opening in the every-day-ness of life...

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Open Window - Night 2

I am now committed to coming to the window every night – to experience this depth of Silence that fills the air, that fills life – that fills me! It just seems more palpable at night – when the world around me is quiet – when the Silence is more accessible.

Tonight seemed to be about just noticing – just seeing. After a few minutes of sitting in the open window, smelling the pungent, cool night air, I became aware of what I was noticing – just aware-ing. There was so much out there to notice! So much to *see* in the dark… Everything comes alive in this wonderful Silence! – including the Silence!

There were green apples on our neighbor’s apple tree that over-hangs into our yard thatshown like little pale green lights in the glow of our back light, like little green specks of light.I had never noticed this before, and I marveled at them – just hanging there - of course, that’swhat apples do! :)

Crickets chirped in the background and there was the sound of a faint wind chime tinkling…

The two octagon windows that flag either side of the chimney on the house next door werelit up like 2 eyes looking back at me - seeing me, me seeing them – just seeing each other -
seeing the night…

Clouds were highlighted bright white against the night sky.
I wondered *how* - why were they so bright…

Stars twinkled in the in between space of the clouds – inspiring a moment of magic:“twinkle, twinkle, little stars – more wonder…

Light and shadow danced everywhere...

There was so much more! I was just taking it all in, as if actually seeing for the first time -or maybe just seeing in a new way, with wonder and innocent eyes…
Now I know why cats love to sit in windows!

And then, sitting in this exquisite Stillness, an internal invitation arose…

It was as if the Silence wanted to play, wanted to dance.
It was inviting “me” to enter – to engage – to play – to delight in its Existence!

There was a joy to this Stillness, the ‘This’ that permeates the nightthat I haven’t felt in a very long time.There was a recognition in me of this Stillness – this Aliveness –
this Playfulness that wants to play and laugh.

There was an acute awareness that this alive Stillness is the backdrop/backgroundfor the play of Consciousness that plays ItSelf out here every day.Nature knows this, is on to this. “We” apparently just don’t “see” it, don’t notice –are not aware – until the Silence beckons…

And in this recognition I realized that all my stories are non-issues!

Silent laughter arose within…

There is only laughter at what I think is so serious about life…
There is only playfulness with life here in this Silence…

I hate to say goodnight to this - this palpable aliveness of Silence…

But I know, *I feel*, that I am held by the Silence… The Divine Embrace…

Goodnight stars, goodnight clouds, goodnight crickets, goodnight night…

All is completely well…



  1. "I am now committed to coming to the window every night" There is something so lovely and poetic and depth to this line, it paints such a wonderful picture. I imagine you as some medieval woman trailing a long night gown to sit at the window, your hair long and flowing.

    And I think what is a window, something to look out, something to see clearly through and so I imagine you doing this. This window sitting bringing clarity and vision as well as the delicous, enveloping silence.

    You might have us all sitting by the window soon!

  2. Hey ZenDS! - Yeah, it is an absolutely exquisite experience of *feeling* the Silence, the Stillness in a way that I haven't before... "A window is where the wall (obstruction to seeing) is absent." Which is the name of a fellow bloggers blog btw. It is an opening into seeing, and I am absolutely loving it!

    I love your imagery of me in long nightgown, flowing hair! Rapunzel-ish... Heh,heh,heh - I won't ruin your imagery :)

    I definitely recommend window-sitting :)

    Heart Hugs my friend! :)

  3. YES... Dear Blog-Amigo! We are ON this window sitting. "And in this recognition I realized that all my stories are non-issues!" Last night's window sitting surely helped with this re-cognition this morning. The labeling wasn't there...the stories weren't there. That's like a miracle. I mean a MIRACLE!! No fear...there was still an 'I', don't get me wrong...but if there is no(real)story who cares?! :)

  4. Leslie ~ YES! I felt this too the next day - no fear, just a sense of open awareness and my solar plexus relaxed its grip of fear... Yahoo Scooby Doooo :) And - there is also still a sense of "I" here too... which is seen to be completely okay :) Everything is seen to be completely "okay" :)

    Heart Smiles ~ Christine


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