
Come meander with me on the pathless path of the Heart
in these anecdotal,
sometimes inspiring, sometimes personal meanderings of the Heart's opening in the every-day-ness of life...

Monday, November 21, 2011

November Sky...

“He who can hear Love
can hear Silence.
He who can hear Silence
can hear Love.

All the words of the world bow
and pay homage to Silence’s song."


“Let peace work on you
and enable you to gather your
scattered mind into
the mindfulness of Calm Abiding.”

“Above all, be at ease,
be as natural and spacious as possible.
Slip quietly out of the noose
of your habitual anxious self,
and relax into your true nature.”

Nyashul Khenppo

“Here is where the adventure begins,
the adventure of not knowing…
but simply standing still.
The task turns out to be ceding to stillness,
and in that stillness the recognition of
just this…”

“Stop pretending
you don’t know
the fundamental nature
of your being…”

Joan Ruvinsky
Pathless Yoga

“…over time wonders were revealed,
chief among them the light
of conscious awareness…”

”The light turned out to be
my truest home -
what was most abiding.”

Tracy Cochran
Finding a Path


  1. What a wonderful collection of sky photos and wonderfully matched poems, such a lovely little gift to us. An the title "November Sky" struck me as so deliciously lyrical.

    Your sky pictures remind me of the little TED video you can watch here: http://clicks.robertgenn.com/critique-self.php

  2. wonderful quotes. the second one especially resonates with me. hope you have a still and peaceful holiday.

  3. Thank you ZDS ~ I'll check out that TED video!

  4. Suki ~ Thank you... Me too. That's something I'm working on - slipping out of that noose of the habitual anxious self. :) Wishing you a heartwarming holiday filled with all the things you love...

  5. Such jewel-bright skies there at the moment...*sigh*... These words of inspiration lift my afternoon. Thank you, Christine! And I've got the honey pot read. What time at Pooh Corner then? ;o) Wishing you & yours a blessed Thanksgiving ((HUGS))

  6. Thank you Tracy ~ Well, Pooh Bear always had his clock set for 11am, so 11am it is :) And may you always enjoy the sweetness of life as you do right now with such brightness of Heart... Many Blessings and Heart Hugs....


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