
Come meander with me on the pathless path of the Heart
in these anecdotal,
sometimes inspiring, sometimes personal meanderings of the Heart's opening in the every-day-ness of life...

Monday, September 4, 2017

At the Mercy of A Greater Love...

I don't know who or what "The Beloved" is - really...
Some have called Her "God", "The Divine", some "The Mystery";
She has a multitude of names... and faces...
But She is so much more than any name, attribute, or description
we could ever bestow - although we do.

I only know that my whole being responds
when I call to
- "The Beloved" -
from the Heart.

She surges through the body;
tangible, organic movement
felt in the body and experienced in the senses;
"across the whole of being" - as a Friend says.
It's like a presence, without solidity or form;
more like a breeze that moves through,
caressing as it goes...

She/It/He is personal -
deeply touching the inner place of origination;
which some may call the soul,
with a tone that strikes a chord of resonance within,
blown by an unexpected wind...
to which we have seemingly been attuned...

I don't know who or what "The Beloved" is - really...
I "know" nothing at all...
I am only drawn to "The Beloved"
in all Her disguises;
at the mercy of a Greater Love
beyond belief...

Mystic Meandering
July 13, 2017


Photo -
This flowering plant just grew one year.
I have no idea what it is,
but notice the many faces :)

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