I awoke this morning to a 2 inch dusting of snow and joy in my heart. I ran outside to quickly snap these photos (the first two have been color inverted digitally). However, I was not joyful because of the snow and crisp winter morning air, but because I fell asleep and awoke finding myself repeating the phrase – “Everything is deeply okay” – and knew it in my bones. I *felt* it deep in my Heart of Hearts that no matter how life *appears* on the surface, everything *is* deeply okay. On a much larger level than just our little existence here, it is Cosmically okay, when seen from the Cosmic view of Reality. How I *know* this, I don’t really know, except that I read it in Jeff Foster’s book – The Deepest Acceptance last year. J LOL… (which I wrote about here.) Seriously - that’s not really why either, although it planted a seed. We can’t just read it in a book. It has to become a *felt experience* with life… And it is, gradually becoming my *experience* – a way of *seeing* – little by little, day by day – well some days that is – yesterday the view was not so "cosmic." J
the intensities of life and living, and believe me there are many at the moment,
there is a lightness of Heart breaking through the fog here, a letting go of
the personal drama orientation to life – hopefully - at least for today J
Mostly there is more awareness that it is the mind, my thoughts *about*
what is happening, that creates my mental suffering, the *thinking* that there
is something “wrong” with the way life is playing itself out here, that life
should be different than it is, and that I need to *do* something to make it
fit my idea of what it needs to be. Like digitally enhancing a photo. :) Instead there appears to be a collapse occurring. Those mental structures, beliefs, and
concepts that life must fit my image of what I *believe* it should be are
collapsing, to a degree. And, a
realization yesterday that I am still trying to hold onto those beliefs about
life that keep me tied to those mental structures and ego constructs that
filter my perceptions of the way things really are, and *its* deep “okayness.”
Shall we Dance :)
don’t have to be okay with anything.
It’s not about the me-person being okay.
It’s that everything is *already* embraced by *Life* ItSelf. It is a cosmic okayness that goes beyond ‘I’m
okay’, and ‘I’m not okay.’ We are
totally free to respond to life experience in authentic, honest, human
ways. We are free not to like our
experiences, and - on a deeper level to experience a total, all-encompassing
okayness with the entire situation.
Underneath everything is a cosmic okayness. It’s not about telling yourself that you’re
okay when you are not. It’s not about
pretending to be okay, trying to be spiritual, trying to be peaceful. You don’t have to be anything other than you
are in the moment. It’s about radical
honesty. It’s about seeing reality as it
is, acknowledging it, and discovering that the situation is fully admitted into
Life – already. There is simply Life, in
all its mystery, wonder, and timeless simplicity. And in this recognition the illusion of
separation between us and Life falls away, and we are no longer at odds with
life as it is.”
Jeff Foster
From: The Deepest Acceptance
From: The Deepest Acceptance
“The treasure of deep Being is
buried under the rubble of personality…”
Coleman Barks
The Soul of Rumi
The Soul of Rumi
The first two photos are color inverted.
It makes them look more magical :)
The first two photos are color inverted.
It makes them look more magical :)