
Come meander with me on the pathless path of the Heart
in these anecdotal,
sometimes inspiring, sometimes personal meanderings of the Heart's opening in the every-day-ness of life...

Thursday, January 8, 2015

The Heart's Longing...

It is your destiny to be Love…
The only “purpose” is to BE – Love.

 Rest in Sacred Silence
where the ripples of luminescent Love
form and expand…

It is already there in your Heart ~
in the core of your Being.

Love is your sanctuary.

The longing of the Heart
 is there to

It’s the longing of the Heart for that which is
Pure, Innocent, Whole,
and Alive

It’s the longing for the Embrace of
”The Beloved.”


It’s the call of “The Beloved;”
the pull of the Heart.

Follow the call…

The longing is your Innocence;
an innocent longing
 for The Mystery
of Divine Embrace.

Let that innocent longing carry you...

Come Home

Be at Home

In the Heart of “The Beloved.”

You are held there - deep within
the Divine Heart…

Thrive in that Embrace.

That is Home…

That is Love…

Mystic Meandering
Meditative Writings
circa 2004/2006


PHOTO: Mandala Art


  1. Replies
    1. Indeed... The sanctuary of the Heart.. :) You know it well my friend... I, on the other hand, am just beginning to open the sanctuary door... :)

  2. This is the true image of human fully alive...a loving being. :o) LOVE in motion, I call it! We are here to be a living expression of love. Once again, exquisitely written, Christine ((HUGS))

    1. Thank you Dear Tracy. Also love your post this morning. Yes, we are here to be a living expression of love... Am still working on it! :) One of the lines I left out was that we are here to Create Love. And we can only do that if we know we ARE Love... Am still working on that too! :) You are definitely Love in motion, creating your loving creations each day...
      Heart Hugs :)


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