Tired of the weariness of existence
and the "games" that people play...
Lost all longing for, or any sense of devotion to
any "spiritual" entity. All "spiritualities" seem to be just
explanations and theories about existence; all the many
theologies, dogmas, doctrines, disciplines, traditions,
religions & practices; Karma, reincarnation, and
anything else humans have come up with to try to "explain"
how it all is - "The Truth of Existence..."
Are we just another species replicating itself...
Are we a dream...
Or - Are we Source morphing ItSelf into human form...
Is it really true that our True Nature is
kindness & compassion & love...
There seems to be an inherent ignorance of that Nature...
What makes humans believe that a "God" - any one
"God" - is "right", or "in control..." It's all the same
"God-energy" anyway - in essence - prior to manifestations
of a personal "God" that we choose to name...
Is it true that there is only Pure Consciousness
manifesting ItSelf in all expressions so that "IT"
can experience humanity and all the experiences
here in this realm -
over and over and over again...
My meanderings lead me to ask: Why - why after
billions of experiences in billions of manifestations
would "IT" (Consciousness) want more of the same
experience...Why does "IT want to keep manifesting
ItSelf just to experience limited human life in its
vulnerability... Hasn't "IT" learned enough already...
It is a belief to help explain this existence, but you have
to believe it is true...
And am tired of all beliefs and theories and explanations
that leave me empty, disconnected - spiritually disoriented...
What is there that actually reveals the "Truth of Existence..."
"Direct Experience" you say...
But we all have different experiences of that too...
And who came up with all these concepts, theories and
conjectures, that we are supposed to just believe in...
Some ancient "sage" meditating in a cave?
I do miss not having an "explanation story" to believe in,
or a "God" to believe in, but - still want to know what
the Truth really is...
Is there something in us called Essence, Pure Being, Pure
Consciousness? And if so, why don't we know this
Beingness, this Essence that we are...
Some say we have supposedly "forgotten" - concealing
the "Truth" of who we are from ourselves...
Why would we do that...
Why do we spend a lifetime seeking for what we already are...
Like looking for your cat, thinking it might me under the chair,
when all along it's been sitting in your chair watching you
search for "it"...
You have to be invested in what you believe in;
that it's true. Even if it isn't...
And we all believe something different...
Having hope for a "better" reality, or a "better" you -
"enlightenment"- is the universal manipulation...
On the other hand, I don't believe that there is only
this reality - "just this..."
What of mystical experiences...
And believing in God/Guru only gives us a feeling of
worthiness, rightness - or unworthiness and "wrongness";
of being loved, special - or even condemned...
It's still all about "you" -
not what's Real...
So - what is "Real..."
The proverbial existential question...
Mystic Meandering
Meditative Meanderings
June 27, 2021
P.S. - All that is required to "know" the "Truth"
is to enter the deep "inner space" and discover
the Heart of our own Being for ourselves...
Or is that just a belief too :)
Photo from the Internet
"Time Tunnel"