
Come meander with me on the pathless path of the Heart
in these anecdotal,
sometimes inspiring, sometimes personal meanderings of the Heart's opening in the every-day-ness of life...

Sunday, June 6, 2021

It's All Right - Robert Bly & Werner Erhard

 There are more like us.  All over the world
There are confused people who can't remember
The name of their dog when they wake up, and people
Who love God but can't remember where
He was when they went to sleep.  

It's all right.

A wrong number occurs to you in the middle
Of the night, you dial it, it rings just in time

To save the house.  And the second-story man
Gets the wrong address, where the insomniac lives,
And he's lonely, and they talk, and thief
Goes back to college.  Even in graduate school,

You can wander into the wrong classroom,
And hear great poems lovingly spoken
By the wrong professor.  And you find your soul...

Robert Bly
original title: "People Like Us"

with thanks to Death Deconstructed
for post and photo :)


The thought that there is something wrong is an illusion;
there is nothing wrong, there is only what's so.  Notice when
you're comparing what's so to some fantasy of how it 
should be.  Bring yourself back to what's so and it will be
O.K.  Ask yourself what's so, and align with that.  Align with
what's so and it will not matter.  That is the foundation of
transformation....  Not aligning with what's so is the only
thing that will ever bring you hardship or suffering.  Life
in what's so will bring you harmony and grace and balance.
Ask yourself - what's so about your situation?

Werner Erhard


  1. Often, the head wants to say, “No, this cannot be so!” Resistance vs acceptance … one feels lighter to the heart than the other does but mostly we are somewhere in the middle. :)

    1. And sometimes we just have to sit with the resistance until we can accept - until there is a "Yes" Whatever way we go it's still all right... :)


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