
Come meander with me on the pathless path of the Heart
in these anecdotal,
sometimes inspiring, sometimes personal meanderings of the Heart's opening in the every-day-ness of life...

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Step Off the Edge...

There’s an “edge” when twilight comes…

A twinge of longing when the
light wanes into twilight,
the edge of the veil;
that opening between
light and dark,
into Reality…

and remembrance
of the Light beyond…

A knowing that this life
is waning into twilight too,
from one state into another,
forever reforming Itself…

Tree branches wave in the wind
in hommage to the light
dimming in the West…

Owls hoo – calling the night
into existence
from the East;
prophets of the twilight
standing at the edge
where ending meets beginning
and beginning ending…

the inbetween,
as Life cycles through time,
through light and dark,
through living
and dying.

This night we stand at the edge of time
and timelesseness beyond time…
peering through
for a glimpse
of the
Beyond -
The Infinite Light
that knows no dimming
and no night;
only its own eternal radiance

This Light we are…


Step off the edge…

Dec. 21, 2012
Winter Solstice
©Mystic Meandering


  1. excellent solstice words to read!

    my turning was eventful (within).

    1. Thank you Monica :) Solstice always seems to open something up for me as well, if I'm quiet and listening... This year it was totally unexpected, just watching the twilight - but what a wonderful space...

  2. "A twinge of longing"... sometimes much more than a twinge. I do love twilight so. "And rememberance of the Light beyond..." so lovely and true. Thank you for this quiet Solstice poem celebrating the light within the dark and within us. Andrea

    1. Yes,twilight does seem to trigger a deep longing for the light Beyond, for the mystery of the Light that we are, etc. Gladly stepping off the edge at the turning of the age...

  3. GORGEOUS celebration here, Christine! Happy to be here to share the life and light with you. :o) ((HUGS))

  4. 'Surrender...step off the edge.' ~ it's about time...Now...at the very least this New Year. YES!!!

    1. :) yes, it's about time! (but still at that edge for some reason...)


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