
Come meander with me on the pathless path of the Heart
in these anecdotal,
sometimes inspiring, sometimes personal meanderings of the Heart's opening in the every-day-ness of life...

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Room For Sadness - Jeff Foster

Your sadness doesn't say,
 "Please fix me,
heal me, or release me".
It doesn't say, "Please get rid of me,
 numb yourself to me, pretend I'm not here".

Sadness does not come to punish you,
 or reveal to you what a 'spiritual failure' you are.
 Sadness is not a sign that you are unevolved
 or far from healing, awakening, enlightenment, peace.

The presence of sadness is not an indication
 that you've done something wrong.

True healing is not the fixing of the broken,
But the rediscovering of the Unbroken.

…we bow to sadness then,
 we recognise how it's already allowed in,
 how there's enough room in us for sadness,
 how we are not 'the sad one',
 not contained within sadness,
 but the room for sadness,
 its space, its home,
 its salvation,
 its loving embrace;
 not as a goal,
 but as our nature - consciousness itself,
 already free.

Don't heal yourself from sadness; let sadness heal you.
 Let it show you the way when you have forgotten.
 Let it reveal to you the mysteries of love.
 Let it remind you of your vast heart,
 your refusal to split off from any part of your ancient Self.
Let sadness help you remember that
 bigger Happiness you danced when you were young.

Jeff Foster

I have put Jeff's words
into prose poetry form.


Also see my poem:
The Rhythm of Sadness


  1. Well said Jeff. Thank you Mystic. I have "trained" myself to speak to emotions. To speak of my feelings straight forwardly. Sadness is a feeling. Many people are afraid of hearing feeling words and expressions. When they hear them they do leap right into fix it mode. Actually it can be tiresome to be expressing my sadness to someone and have them leap immediately into fix it mode. Well you could do this, have you thought of that. Most likely I have. But what I want is to be "heard" in my feelings. That's my reaction to a few of his words anyway. Thank you. Suki

    1. Yes! yes! Yes! :) I speak to my emotions/feelings too. :) I journal them, asking what is needed, what they want/need, etc. I sit with them in meditation, loving them, accepting them, working *with* them, trying to embrace them rather than resisting them. And I "hear" you :) about people who want to try to "fix" you - or - those wonderfully "spiritual" people who say we "shouldn't" be feeling our feelings because ultimately we are Pure Being, etc. Whatever happened to empathy and compassion!? :) Thanks for your wonderful comment!


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