
Come meander with me on the pathless path of the Heart
in these anecdotal,
sometimes inspiring, sometimes personal meanderings of the Heart's opening in the every-day-ness of life...

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Silence is a Living Space - Therese Schroeder-Sheker

Silence is a Living Silence that is needed to hear the cry of the soul.
Abandon surface impressions and patterns, abandon what has become
comfortable, and embrace the sacred depth of being that asks us to
enter that which is wholly unknown and that which fosters genuine
metanoia [a transformative change of heart].  The Holy Silence
creates an inner clearing that makes room for new life, including
living, breathing Silence.  In this dimension
where time becomes space, life is enlivened.

Blocking the light of the soul results in a need to pre-package things,
ideas, emotions because they provide a semblance of light.  When
light of the soul is blocked, we develop a desire for things, not for

[Through Silence] we can enter that which is wholly unknown with
a creative purity that is startling, because we are accompanied by
the companion-presence: Love.

Therese Schroeder-Sheker
From the introduction to:
Silence: The Mystery of Wholeness
by Robert Sardello


We need to re-orient our lives to be in constant resonance with
The Silence.  We have to rediscover lost realms, and at the same
time, clear away our deeply engrained desire to live by what
others have said, rather than discover inner truths for ourselves.

Robert Sardello
From: Silence: The Mystery of Wholeness


  1. I love this. I woke early today, only hearing birds. Then someone zoomed along the nearby highway. At bird speed probably.

  2. I know :) But as long as we can still hear the Silence within, the "noise" becomes background... I've been trying to sit outside in nature more, to listen to the Silence there too...


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