
Come meander with me on the pathless path of the Heart
in these anecdotal,
sometimes inspiring, sometimes personal meanderings of the Heart's opening in the every-day-ness of life...

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

For Those Who Grieve - Fred LaMotte

"The world is burning.....and I cannot hold it all.  I need some
soothing nectar for my grief!"

Dear one, I mean this from the groundless bottom of my heart:
the grief IS the nectar.  You must drink it all, drown in it,
feel it, not through the insulating concepts of the mind -
which only creates stories about the past and future - but feel
it in every cell of your body as the force of Presence.

Merge with the grief and it will ferment into something that
cannot be described, only tasted as life-giving strength, pouring
out of an infinite well of Unknowing.  That is the true meaning
of Faith. You are not alone.  There is one problem at the root of
many problems.  And when we solve this one Deep Problem, our
life orientation will change so much...  What is the Deep Problem
at the root of all others?

We need more inner Silence.   Living Silence is not passivity,
dullness, or suppression.  It is an ocean of energy and compassion
that flows from the fountain of Unknowing.

The Ordinary is the door.  Grace is the present moment.
The Path is Wonder...

Fred LaMotte
excerpt from his blog post:
For One Who Grieves the Burning World.


Photo - Mystic Meandering

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