
Come meander with me on the pathless path of the Heart
in these anecdotal,
sometimes inspiring, sometimes personal meanderings of the Heart's opening in the every-day-ness of life...

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Race and Walls - Kendi and O'Donohue

What a powerful construct race is - powerful enough to consume us.
But for all that life-shaping power, race is a mirage, which doesn't
lessen its force.  We are what people see ourselves as,
whether what we [they] see exists or not.

What people see in themselves and others has meaning and
manifests itself in ideas and actions and policies....
Race is a mirage but one that we do well to *see*,
while never forgetting it is a mirage, never forgetting that
it's the painful light of racist power that makes the mirage.

from: How To Be An Antiracist
A provocative and fascinating look
at how to end racism in the Western mind,
and to see that beyond race we are all fully


Your complicity with other people's images and expectations
of you allows them to box you in completely.  It takes a long
time to recognize how some key people on your life's
journey exercise so much control over your mind, behavior,
and actions.  Through the image they project onto you
through the expectations they have of you, they claim you.
Most of this is subtle and works in the domain of the implicit
and unstated subtext; it is, of course, all the more powerful
for not being direct and obvious.  When you become conscious
of these powerful builders and their work of housing you in,
something within you refuses to comply; you begin to send
back the building materials.

Such projection and expectation is based on their fear and the
need to control.

John O'Donohue
from: Eternal Echoes


Photo from the internet


  1. Every day now, we must work a little harder to stand up in whatever way we can, against institutionalized racism.

    1. Indeed... You might like the book that I quoted from. I'm reading the Kindle version and just on chapter 2.

      I'm a product of the 60's: graduated high school in 1967 at the age of 17, and went to college in Boston at a very intense racial time. President Kennedy, MLK and Bobby Kennedy all assassinated within that decade, and all the protests against the Vietnam War, and *still* there hasn't been *lasting* change. I hope now is the time for a social shift in attitudes and opening of hearts. this is our wake up call...


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