
Come meander with me on the pathless path of the Heart
in these anecdotal,
sometimes inspiring, sometimes personal meanderings of the Heart's opening in the every-day-ness of life...

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

"Play" of Perspectives - Joan Ruvinsky

 Every philosophy [spiritual teaching] seeks to describe,
even explain, How It All Is.

...the various systems are simply roles that
Consciousness takes on, the way a person changes outfits
from day to day - same person, different look.

All different and divergent philosophical [spiritual] positions
are the outpourings of Consciousness at play.  
Any philosophical [spiritual] position, no matter what, is only
a partial viewpoint, in which only a fragment of the unitary
whole is described.

We can never approximate the capital-t Truth in words...

From: The Recognition of Our Own Heart

[brackets mine]


Life is simply a Divine "play" of perspectives
that allows every expression/position to be played...



Photo - Mystic Meandering

Life size chess board in atrium of a nearby office building
(notice 2 pieces are missing)
Photo color digitally inverted to show perspective:
Black became White
White became Black
and shades in between


  1. Unfortunately I think of the various belief systems which first teach that theirs is the only true one, and to distrust all others as false. Having a liberal open mind is seldom considered a good trait by so many of the world religions. I feel so blessed and lucky to look at all belief systems and find their similarities - love one another.

    1. I don't claim to be acquainted with all "belief systems", but I think her point is that even though no one "system" can claim absolute truth, each system has partial truth and is still part of the "play" of "Conscious" - aka - "God", "The Mystery", "The Divine", "Source", etc.

      I don't know that "all" world religions teach "love one another" - but that is a nice perspective to have :)


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