
Come meander with me on the pathless path of the Heart
in these anecdotal,
sometimes inspiring, sometimes personal meanderings of the Heart's opening in the every-day-ness of life...

Sunday, April 4, 2021


 Breaking free of concepts, constructs, beliefs and stories
that have kept me entombed...
I rise...

Waking up to my "True Nature"
a living expression of "The Sacred" within me...
I rise...

Untangling the tattered threads of old roles, old crafted identities
worn to make me feel safe and important...
I rise...

Letting go of frayed "lifelines" that kept
me tethered to the shore of familiarity and conformity...
I rise...

Now not needing to be other than who I Am
my natural, playful, creative, expressive Aliveness...
I rise...

Mystic Meandering
April 3, 2021


Photo: Vortex Art 2010 - Mystic Meandering
done with fingers and Craypas oils


  1. Happy Easter Sunday! Your words had me thinking of all the psychic “prisons” that exist. Untangling, letting go, self-acceptance … all pathways to a healthier life and breaking free so we can rise up. :)

  2. Beautiful and inspiring me to keep untangling. Thank you.


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