
Come meander with me on the pathless path of the Heart
in these anecdotal,
sometimes inspiring, sometimes personal meanderings of the Heart's opening in the every-day-ness of life...

Sunday, February 18, 2024

The Light of Breath - Hazrat Inayat Khan

We ordinarily think of the breath as that little air that we feel
coming and going through our nostrils; but we do not think of
it as that vast current that goes through everything, that current
which comes from Consciousness...

...it is written that first the Word [or Logos - the Word of The Divine]
was, and from the Word all things came [into being].  But before
the Word was the Breath, which made the Word. 

Behind the word is the much greater power: Breath.  If a person
wishes to study the self, to know the self, what is important is
not the study of the mind, of the thought, the imagination, nor of
the body, but the study of the breath.  The Breath has made the
mind and the body for its expression.  It has made all from the
vibration to the physical atom, from the finest to the grossest.


Breath is a light in itself, and it becomes projected like the beam
from a searchlight...   Breath is sometimes not different from the
light of the sun but even brighter than that. Breath being a light 
from another dimension, which is unknown to science today, it
cannot be visible to the ordinary physical eyes.

What people call the aura is the light of breath, but not everyone
sees it.  A radiant countenance is a proof of an aura which
illumi-nates it, and the lack of it is the lack of light in the breath.
 A seer sees the sign of a death more clearly and longer beforehand
than a physician can.  The reason is that the seer sees in the aura
of a person whereas the physician sees only the condition of the
body.  Many experience the phenomenon of the light of breath,
and yet doubt if it can be true, for they think it is perhaps an
imagination.  Others, who are capable of seeing that light,
confirm their doubt.  The Sufi, by the development of breath,
experiences this light, which becomes for him a proof of the
existence of that dimension which is unknown to the ordinary

Hazrat Inayat Khan
From:  The Philosophy of Breath
and The Healing Papers

with thanks to Love Is A Place


Photo - Mystic Meandering


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