
Come meander with me on the pathless path of the Heart
in these anecdotal,
sometimes inspiring, sometimes personal meanderings of the Heart's opening in the every-day-ness of life...

Friday, January 17, 2025

The Great "Cosmic Womb"...

Laying down the burdens and chaos
of daily existence,
I come to rest in the "Mother Energies" -
the originating Life energies of the Cosmos...
Unfettered, Unbuffeted 
by the strain of life...
Embraced and infused by this Primordial
Source Energy...

This undefinable, nameless, formless "Cosmic Womb"
invites this mystic meandering in.
I stumble across the threshold of a doorless door...
into an Ineffable space of Silence
that enfolds me in the
Great Womb of Existence
in which we all live...

All existence is the exquisite vibration of
Primal Energy experiencing Itself
in many forms; morphing Itself into
different expressions, softening the harsh residues
of life being lived...

The fluidity of this "Source Energy" innately and
intimately flows through existence - like an
Aurora Borealis.
It subtly streams through this body,
leaving its own illumined energetic signature...
A new spark of Life is lit...

Mystic Meandering


Jaw dropping wonder....in unfettered freedom, the cause of
the universe is 
In the beginning the luminous womb is,
and the luminous womb willingly leaps in delight
and lets Herself go...
of Herself, upon Herself....it all comes forth.

She births Herself ....
She confines Herself by the limits
of space and time...
....becoming ordinary individuals...

From an interpretation of the
an ancient Kashmir Shaivism text
This version by Joan Ruvinsky


Photo - Mystic Meandering


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