
Come meander with me on the pathless path of the Heart
in these anecdotal,
sometimes inspiring, sometimes personal meanderings of the Heart's opening in the every-day-ness of life...

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Empty Cups...

Experiencing spiritual confusion recently, I asked for guidance.  “Spirit” pointed me to “Emptiness.”  The word E-m-p-t-i-n-e-s-s floated through my awareness like a whisper, as if gently calling me to listen, to “see”, to touch, and to experience IT – this “Emptiness.”  I was drawn in to the *space* of Divine Emptiness within.

Amazingly I found articles and posts on Emptiness, on Consciousness, and on Awareness (which many consider one and the same).   Then I spontaneously posted the post about Cups in the Ocean, finding the poems by Rumi once again. And my post on SteppingInto The Stream is in many ways about discovering that wondrous space of Emptiness through letting go.  While decluttering the book cases a couple of weekends ago I re-discovered Adyashanti’s book, Emptiness Dancing, which I have just started re-reading.  And then Fred LaMotte posted this lovely piece recently on the Fullness of Emptiness…  Obviously there was something I was supposed to see about “Emptiness…”

When the word and internal *feeling* of Emptiness first wafted through, it was so powerful that I started taking empty cups from my cupboard and setting them out on their sides in places where I knew I would see them, as reminders of this wondrous sense of Emptiness - our original Nature; the Formlessness within Form analogy.

I experienced this Emptiness as endless spacious openness, unconfined, not having a bottom like a cup, but somehow the symbolism of the empty cup spoke to me, allowing me to recognize the Emptiness as our original Eternal Nature – the still-point of Consciousness ItSelf.   What we *think* we are - this ego, this personality, this identity, this mind, this thought, this emotion, this body, are basically empty forms, filled with Emptiness (Formless Awareness/Consciousness).  It is not the same gutted emptiness that one feels after loss, or trauma. Not “emptiness” in the sense of being a void, devoid of life, but a dynamic, yet subtle vibration of Aliveness, aware, knowing Emptiness that is viscerally felt as an alive, peaceful FULLness . 

When I would turn my awareness inward to this space of Emptiness I felt a profound quietness, a deep presence of Being, a re-orientation of my perspective.  But I also had the sense that through this re-orienting “I” was being “emptied out,” of my orientation to my habituated patterns of mental conditioning as a way of living, the conditioned mental frameworks, as well as deeply buried emotional issues that continue to run deep and rise often, along with the ego-centered way of seeing the world that wants to hang on.  It is like being emptied of all that is not Essential, which of course creates upheaval, and can and has sent me into anxiety and bouts of depression recently.  The ego becomes so emotionally attached to its ideas and beliefs of the way our life should happen, that it resists letting go.  In this process, however, I got the image that the “me” that I *think* I am, that I have become attached to, is an empty cup in the vast Ocean of Pure Consciousness – being dissolved into that Ocean, so that I may remember that *essentially* I am the Ocean. 

In some ways this does leave a kind of gutted feeling because the ego-self resists this emptying, as the orientation *begins* to shift from the “me/ego-self” to our Essential Nature - before the sense of a separate “me.”   The familiar identity known as Christine is being emptied out – present tense – ongoing – little by little - through a process of awareness and surrender – through continually bringing my awareness to this space of Emptiness, *feeling* it, the true Emptiness; seeing that these “ego forms” that we believe we are, are really just empty cups filled with this wondrous space of Aware Consciousness, or Emptiness, unattached to ego, or mind, or thought, or feeling – just the conscious Isness of Being.

How interesting the many varied ways in which we are each shown the wondrous mystery of our True Nature…  Shown that the process of “awakening” to the Truth of our Existence is ever-unfolding, each in our own way…

As a result, I realized recently that I no longer *know* what I *thought* I knew, as my perceptions of Truth have evolved.  In this space of Divine Emptiness what I *thought* was important to say, isn’t, because there is really nothing left to say…



  1. VERY exciting this emptiness journey, Christine. And it is funny how when we ask for something, we receive an answer different to one we though we might be getting. ;o) Spacious openness... I think that's the best state for the heart and mind to be dwelling in--that's our "perfect" state, our true state of being. That spaciousness does have an empty quality--but of the good kind, like you so well expressed. I think word empty scared people--they think nothing is there, nothing to be found. Empty just might be a great starting point to jump from! So much about the purere experience is about letting go our ourselves--our egos, our hold on experiences, our habit patterns, our trying to fit into the world, etc. Those things just keep snaring us back to the old ways that don't really serve us. Saying goodbye to our old bits is kind of sad. But there we go, clinging again. ;o) Interestingly, I'm finding less speech and less thought can be expanding--talking less, turning my mind away from discursive thoughts, etc. (says she, who wrote this VERY long comment--LOL!) That last line of yours sums it up so marvelously, "...what I *thought* was important to say, isn’t, because there is really nothing left to say…" Wishing you freedom and joy in the Ocean of Empty, my friend ((HEART HUGS))

    1. Thank you for the lovely comment Tracy... Yes, "spacious openness" that's really what it is, the Ocean of Empty :) And yes, the *word*/concept scares people, as most people think of it as annihilation, but it is just the opposite. It is finding the Fullness of Being within, beyond all our conditioned ways of being... Heart Hugs for your lovely journey as well!

  2. A thought provoking post, Christine...and the photographs of the empty cups are quite beautiful! I love the way you follow the threads and whispers you receive...and that you share them with us. Thank you, good woman.

  3. A beautiful meditation, full of emptiness.

  4. I am slowly recovering and basking in my 'staycation' from blog writing. I thought I'd check in with yours and discovered this post on "Emptiness" which you published on the very day I posted my last entry before my sabbatical...there are no coincidences!

    1. Hi Patricia... Yes, for sure! Am taking a "sabbatical" of sorts as well from blogging - although not as much time to deepen into the "interior landscape" as I had hoped, as lots of family issues have arisen to tend to... sigh... :)

  5. Hi Christine, I've been on sabbatical too. Beautiful post. Makes me think of the Heart Sutra, that says "form is none other than emptiness; emptiness is none other than form." Best wishes with the sabbatical!

    1. Thanks David... Yes, a sabbatical of sorts *from* blogging - but - in "real life" things are very intense... This "emptying" is not for wimps! :) LOL It never ends ~ ~ ~ ~


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