I have been away for a while because life has taken yet another unexpected turn, and I am suddenly caught up in the consequences of someone else’s choices. I did not ask for this. Yet there is no other choice as I see it. This event is changing how I see and experience life. I am questioning everything that I thought was true about “Truth.” In particular – that Life is living Itself, that Consciousness is all there is. Is this *really* true? If that is the case, then would Consciousness have made these choices that have such dire consequences and impact so many lives! Who actually is making the choices that we make – especially the ones that can be deadly. Certainly there must be a difference between conscious and unconscious choice. I have not given this much thought before. I blithely believed that it’s all just Consciousness – whatever that means… But now there seems to be a challenge to that thinking. It’s not so black and white anymore.
On March 3rd my sister was involved in a domestic violence incident. Her life was threatened and she evidently either jumped or was pushed off her second story balcony. She has forgotten most of what happened. She broke her back and injured her neck. She is now in a back brace and neck collar. We did not receive a call from her until the next day from the CCU where she was being prepared for back surgery. Life changed in an instant for her – and me. I became the responsible party – not only for making decisions, but as a caretaker for 3-6 months. This is a role I do not want. It has been thrust upon me by circumstances created by life choices that were not mine. And yet, here I am. This is my life experience now and I am feeling the weight of the responsibility. It is a heavy weight… I am not able to simply “rest in Awareness” – observing, detached, neutral. My life has been impacted in ways I never expected. I have had to engage in a situation that I would not have chosen – or is that true? Was the choice made by the mere fact of the event itself – requiring these particular choices be made? It seems you just do what needs to be done without thinking…
I have been numbed by this experience, functioning like an automaton – doing what is obviously needed. And since she’s been home for the last 9 days – caretaking – wondering how long I will be able to stand the weight of this experience. I know the answer is: As long as it takes. She is getting physically stronger every day, more independent and fluid in her movement. And now the reality of the whole traumatic incident and its consequences: disability and loss of income earning ability, is setting in. She may be out of work for 6 months, and not able to do waitress work again. So depression, frustration and boredom have come to visit her. I wish I could make it all go away – but this is her life experience and I can’t “rescue” her from that – but neither did I want to be pulled *in* to her life experience. Yet there *is* no one else. The choice was made on its own really – out of necessity.
So “I” am able to be present – meaning – body/mind shows up, does what is needed, functions, offers support and assistance with daily needs, does errands and chores, which sounds rather cold as I describe it – it’s not really. The mechanical functioning is interwoven with caring support, compassion and humor. I learned to be a people pleaser/caretaker early in life, to “entertain”, to keep everybody happy, to make people feel better. This is part of the role I have slipped into once again. It emerged on its own really. But the song and dance routine is wearing thin. And it doesn’t *feel* like Presence. “I” am present without a sense of Presence. I’m mechanically functioning. So where did Presence go!? I seem to have lost my ability to “access” this deeper, wiser, intelligent, storehouse of Beingness. I keep waiting for the Presence switch to go on. Instead I have reverted to an old personality role, and the old feelings of anxiety about “being responsible” for others are suffocating me. Co-dependency 101. I haven’t been able to write about any of this until now. And silent time has been almost non-existent. There-in may lie the key… In order to deeply *listen* - to *hear* the wise voice of Presence one has to be still. “Days off” (2 in the last 16) are filled with my own activities of “catching up” around here, resting and stressing. I can’t seem to help that – it’s what my mind does – automatically – unconsciously; except that I’m aware that that’s what I’m doing. I don’t have the strength to resist it, and am barely able to “just sit” with the feelings. Facing into the overwhelming responsibility feels like trying to walk through a raging, blinding blizzard.
So here we are… There are no answers really – just, here we are – living what is presented to “us.” Is this what “they” mean when “they” say - all there is, is this - just this!? Something deep inside says there has to be more! There has to be a felt sense of deep abiding Presence that sustains one through times like these. Doesn’t there? Or maybe that’s just my wish to be rescued from this particular life experience. Some would respond that this thinking is the delusion… Yet it feels as if “this” that I’m living at the moment is the delusion – like being lost in that raging blizzard… Everything feels topsy-turvy. Toto, is that you? How did we land here? Hello~o~o~o~~~~
I am open to wise input here, as I realize I have most likely lost perspective in the numbing reality that has visited my door… I could use a few reminders of what life is really all about here… New ways of seeing are always welcome!
Didn't your brother recently have a skiing accident? Am not sure exactly in what way but seems interesting that 2 siblings have had these experiences. And then my daughter says "sometimes a deer is just an deer "
ReplyDeleteAnd yes to the difficulty of your situation! Sometimes I think life brings us things that are so difficult, it just makes us surrender. We just do what has to be done. It's sort of like the retreats where you sit so long that you are too exhausted to do your habitual stuff.
And it is so hard to see out from the middle of difficulty. So prayers to you Christine as you do what needs to be done.
Hi ZenDS...
ReplyDeleteYes, my brother's skiing accident was 2 1/2 weeks before my sister's "accident." I thought it was interesting too! Being open to seeing the possible synchronicity in these events - which at the moment appears to be a bonding amongst us siblings that wasn't there before...
I hear you about surrender. I am experiencing that now too - absolutely. I see that *allowing* life to unfold day to day is sometimes the only way *through*. Am also experiencing the "groundlessness" that you speak of in your own blog posts as well.
Thankfully my sister is improving greatly, is very independent and quite capable, so I can see that my involvement will become less, as she may recover more quickly than expected...
Thank you for your prayers and support. Bows to you. C
First Christine, I want to say that I hear you. I hear your pain. Your frustration...I even hear fear. Life as you knew it has turned topsy turvy and many shades of gray since your brother's and sister's accidents.
ReplyDeleteYou may not be able to find stretches of time for silence right now...even small ones...and yet opportunities for connecting to your breath (even one focused in and out scattered here and there throughout the day and before bed) and active metta...May I feel safe, May I feel happy, May I feel strong, May I live with ease...May my sister feel safe...chanted silently as you are going about the endless tasks of care taking is also a continuous possibility...these simple powerful tools will help you find the Presence your are looking for and to be more present as you "do life"...I am speaking as a mother who was the main caretaker for her youngest daughter in and out of the hospital for many months exhausting months last year...and as the wife/mother/sister who has been in and oftentimes still is in need of much care since I became disabled pretty much right after my daughter started to become healthier...
To me, this is the point of meditation/yoga/all spiritual practice...to live/act/love with conscious awareness in the midst of life's complications and tedium. Going off on retreat/living as if we are in retreat is lovely and opens us up to deep personal awarenesses...but it is a retreat...a backing away, a leaving behind of the business of living...
the choice is not in the things that happen to us/around us...the choice is in how we incline our hearts...towards love and acceptance or away from it in fear.
I hope this did not sound preachy to you...you asked for some other perspectives...this is mine.
I wish you wellness, strength and a heart that continues to break open to love within the spaceousness of groundless living.
gentle steps,
Thanks for your offering Laura...