
Come meander with me on the pathless path of the Heart
in these anecdotal,
sometimes inspiring, sometimes personal meanderings of the Heart's opening in the every-day-ness of life...

Monday, August 22, 2011

Love's Furnace...

We are the grace of Love,
the shimmer of Sacred Light,
lustrous uniqueness in a field of
multitudinal Divine Shimmers
~ autonomous, yet in glittering oneness.

We are the twinkle of liberated luminosity
radiating from the Heart Pulse of Love
within the Stream of Life,
in continuous unfoldment.
We are created, and create from,
the glowing embers
of the magical furnace of
Love’s Fire…

Receive the molten flow of golden translucence
that forms you in the fire of Divine Love.
Let it infuse you in every micron of consciousness
~ the Spirit of Golden Love Light turned fluid,
flowing incessantly and seamlessly
from the Primordial Heart.

Receive Love’s Presence,
and Love’s presents:
Light and Love -----
Love of Love
Love experiencing Itself as Love
in every breath…

Written December 21, 2001

Art: Burning Fire Vortex
This was done during one of my recent fevers :)


  1. OH My goodness...this is so beautiful Dear Christine. ((♥))

  2. what a beautiful piece of writing, so many deep truths! So many lines to savour and the vortex matches so well with that "twinkle of liberated luminosity.

    Grace & freedom, yes these are words that came to me on my retreat!

  3. ZDS ~ Thank you! Thought about you all week. I hope you are going to write about your retreat!

  4. the picture and words, though coming at different times in your life, go together so well. the picture radiates heat for sure! may you be infused with the divine light of love. hugs, suki

  5. Thank you Suki! Heart Hugs to you as well!


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