
Come meander with me on the pathless path of the Heart
in these anecdotal,
sometimes inspiring, sometimes personal meanderings of the Heart's opening in the every-day-ness of life...

Sunday, May 25, 2014

The Way of Rest - Jeff Foster

"Oh, sweet little boy, beloved little girl,
 you are so overwhelmed by life,
 I know,
 by the enormity of it all,
 by the vastness of possibilities,
 by the myriad perspectives available to you.

 You feel so pressed down sometimes,
 by all the unresolved questions,
 by all the information
 you are supposed to process and hold,
 by the urgency of things.

 You are overcome by powerful emotions,
 trying to control,
 or at least influence,
 everything and everyone around you,
 trying to hold yourself together,
 trying to make it all ‘work out’ somehow,
 trying to get everything done ‘on time’,
 trying to resolve things so fast,
 even trying not to try at all.

You are exhausted, sweet one,
 exhausted from all the trying
 and the not trying,
 and you are struggling to trust life again.
 It’s all too much for the poor organism, isn’t it.
 You are exhausted, you long to rest.
 And that is not a failing of yours,
 nor a horrible mistake,
 but something wonderful to embrace!

 For the exhaustion is pure intelligence,
 and it says, let go, let go! Stop trying so hard!

Stop pushing for answers right now.
 Allow everything to rest right now.
 Take a sacred pause.

 Allow questions to remain unanswered, for now.
 Allow space for yourself to breathe today.
 Allow everything to fall out of control today.
 Allow yourself to not be able to hold it all up today.
 Allow yourself to not know how, to not know at all.
 Allow the heart to break, if it needs to,
 and the body to ache, and the soul to wake.

 Everything is so okay, when you get down to it.

And know you are loved, little one.
 Know you have always been loved,
 long before you were named,
 long before you were even born,
long before overwhelm came to show you the way."

~ ~ ~

Photo: Dry leaves on paper and table
color inverted…


  1. This is so lovely and so timely for my family right now. thank you so very much!

    1. It resonated with me and where I am right now too :) so decided to post it...

  2. Yes. so very good to read. a sacred pause. thank you

  3. Also timely for me, this moment. Thank you, Christine.

    1. So good to see you here, Chris! :) It does seem to be an intense time for many... Just getting through each moment as best we can...

  4. Oh, this was beautiful to read, Christine! I've had some things on my heart & mind lately, some big things surfacing... Letting go is some of the hardest in life! LOVE the heart-like leaves and how they tie in with your post. :o) We're heading Stateside to see my family next week... See you soon in blogland, and sifting through more of life's challenges. ;o) ((HEART-HUGS))

    1. Yes, so much surfacing, ready for release - which is good :) So interesting the way the photo came out when I color inverted it. Looks like the leaves are floating!

      Have a safe trip...

  5. Long before you were named, before you were born - sounds like a Zen koan. Wonderful!

    1. Yes, I actually believe it has its roots in Zen! :) Like the questions: What was your name before you were born?, or What is your original face? which I have heard Zennists ask - pointing to our true Self - our primordial existence. You can look up "Original Face" on Wikepedia for more info, although you may have a better source :)

  6. Dear Christine!!! Just stopping by o send some big hugs and smooches to a Dear Window sitter :)

    1. Sooooo good to see you here again, Dear Leslie!!! :) Thanks for the hugs and smooches, they are always appreciated. And to you as well! Yes, Window Sitting with Beloved Silence. Unfortunately have only managed one sitting so far this season. Need more time at the window for sure!

      Heart Hugs to you!


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