
Come meander with me on the pathless path of the Heart
in these anecdotal,
sometimes inspiring, sometimes personal meanderings of the Heart's opening in the every-day-ness of life...

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Come... Sit...

My heart, sit only with those who know and understand you.
Sit only under a tree that is full of blossoms...



Come...  Sit...
The UnUtterable said,
inviting me deeper
into Its Infinite Silence -
into the enduring Mystery that
Illuminates and Enlivens...
Breathing Life into existence...

Come...  Sit...

Among the clutter of the mind,
between the chaos and confusion,
amidst life's disturbances and obstacles
that are hard to navigate...

Just listen

...in Stillness...

Come...  Sit...

In the respite of The Great Silence
revealing all that is true
in this life experience,
and the Great Reality

Come...  Sit...

emptied out...

Remembering the Eternal Being that you are...

Receding again into the UnBirthed
that birthed you...

Come...  Sit...

Befriend the Luminous Silence...

Come...  Sit...

Mystic Meandering
May 2016

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