
Come meander with me on the pathless path of the Heart
in these anecdotal,
sometimes inspiring, sometimes personal meanderings of the Heart's opening in the every-day-ness of life...

Friday, March 1, 2019

Silence - The Mystery of Wholeness - Sardello

There is a Living Silence that hears the cry of the Soul.

Abandon surface impressions and patterns.
Abandon what has become comfortable, and embrace a
sacred depth of being that asks us to enter that which is wholly
unknown and that which fosters genuine metanoia.  This Holy Silence
creates an inner clearing that makes room for new life, including
living, breathing Silence.  In this dimension where time has become
space, life is enlivened.

We are fortunate to have night's solace.  In the silence that is created
by the dark of night...that melancholy time, when the stars remind
us of the Silence of "God" - here we can lean into the unknown,
setting aside life's demands and tasks, and the oppressive weight
of our carefully constructed version of who we think we are.
We can remember how to see in the dark... with our ears...
perceiving the Silence in its holy echoing and resonance, its
calling forth a knowing that is from the Soul.

The Silence sends us on a different pilgrimage.  It guards the
heart's fire and teaches us to speak from within with a
language that is imbued with the Sacred.  Words thus nurtured
in this Holy Silence fly forth to lead us back to the Silence from
which we were born...

As we enter the mystery of Silence, its presence resonates
throughout the fibers of our flesh to the soul inwardly and
to the cosmos outwardly.  The inward silence of solitude meets
up with the Great Silence of Cosmic Wisdom.  When we do not
cultivate this, we lose access to the presence of the Silence.
Without silence we are lost and cannot get still enough to find
our way back.

Silence bears the wholeness we keep looking for while we do
not know exactly what we are looking for.  It is around us and
within us.  It goes to the deepest depths of the Soul and to the
outermost reaches of the cosmos and continuously unites the
two at the centering place of our Heart.  Here everything comes
alive again as if for the first time.  We may be shocked to notice
we had not even realized we had lost ourselves.  And feel a new
attunement to Spirit as a directly felt reality.
The Silence is palpable.

In Silence everything displays its depth.  We are part of the depth
of everything around us.  We see that separation between
ourselves and the world is an illusion.  We and the world each
mirror the other within the depths of the Soul.

Silence is not merely the void from which things spring up, it is
a living presence.  The deeper we enter into Silence the more we
become aware that this living presence is primary.

Robert Sardello
From: Silence - The Mystery of Wholeness
from the Introduction and Chapter 1

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