
Come meander with me on the pathless path of the Heart
in these anecdotal,
sometimes inspiring, sometimes personal meanderings of the Heart's opening in the every-day-ness of life...

Thursday, April 4, 2019

There is a Deep Kindness - John O'Donohue

There is a kindness that dwells deep down in things; it presides
everywhere, often in the places we least expect.  The world can
be harsh and negative, but if we remain generous and patient,
kindness inevitably reveals itself.  Something deep in the human
soul seems to depend on the presence of kindness; something
instinctive in us expects it, and once we sense it we are able to
trust and open ourselves.

The word kindness has a gentle sound that seems to echo the
presence of compassionate goodness.  When someone is kind
to you, you feel understood and seen.  There is no judgement or
harsh perception directed toward you.  Kindness has gracious
eyes; it is not small-minded or competitive; it wants nothing
back for itself.  Kindness strikes a resonance with the depths
of your own heart; it also suggests that your vulnerability,
though somehow exposed, is not taken advantage of; rather,
it has become an occasion for dignity and empathy. 

Despite all the darkness, human hope is based on the instinct
that at the deepest level of reality intimate kindness holds sway.
This is the heart of blessing.  

John O'Donohue
from - To Bless the Space Between Us

Can you see the big open heart shape in the tree on the right ? :)


What keeps us alive, what allows us to endure?
I think it is the  hope of loving,
or being loved.

We weep when light does not reach our hearts.
We wither like fields if someone close
does not rain their

Meister Eckhart

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