
Come meander with me on the pathless path of the Heart
in these anecdotal,
sometimes inspiring, sometimes personal meanderings of the Heart's opening in the every-day-ness of life...

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Letter to a New Born Girl - Elias Amidon

me - 1949

You come fresh from the place where names are not needed.
In that place there's a blissful secret most of us can no
longer remember.  We have forgotten.  But soon you
will start to learn words.  You will learn to say what you
feel and want, and with that saying you too will forget
what is so natural to you now.  Or perhaps you will be
lucky, and a current of the bliss you came from will
continue to stream through your heart...remembering
the beauty of your origin.

.....each of us is unique, and each of us has to find
our own way.  I suppose it's only natural that I
should want to give you some advice...

Know you are safe...
Everything is all right forever.
We are made out of light.
One day you may doubt it -
that's part of the drama...
Just remember - you are safe...

Walk in the open air.
Spend as much time as you can
in nature, in places that humans
have not built on and paved over.
The natural world will teach you,
heal you, and replenish your soul
with its beauty.  It is, like you are now,
fresh from the generosity of the

Be interested in everything.
Be a generalist.
Be curious and amazed by things.
Listen to others.
Welcome new ways of seeing, but
always think for yourself.

Follow your love.
Do what you love.
Love what you love.
I'm not talking simply
about love that's affection
or passion - but love that
continually moves to heal...

Little one, you are about to start
a great adventure.
Follow your love.
Be interested in everything.
Walk in the open air.
Know you are safe.

age 2 or 3


  1. Oh dear, I just remembered I've not been spending as much time as I can in nature. Thank you for the reminder. This is beautiful!


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