
Come meander with me on the pathless path of the Heart
in these anecdotal,
sometimes inspiring, sometimes personal meanderings of the Heart's opening in the every-day-ness of life...

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Dancing with the Dark - a meandering

Darkness came to visit -
like a visitor in Rumi's guest house...

I danced with the dark;
afraid to speak the truth to it...

I danced with the dark, keeping silent,
because it was more effective than confronting it...

After months of resisting; trying to find a way out -
I gave up - and just danced;
trying to practice radical acceptance.

When I allowed the dark in,
it felt less intense - almost soothing...
How strange...

When I allowed myself to meet the darkness I felt,
instead of trying to escape from it, or push it away,
or control it - I relaxed and felt a slowing down inside
and discovered that the darkness I felt allowed me to be quiet
inside.  The darkness seemed comforting...
The darkness allowed me to feel what I needed to feel
and say what needed to be said...

I breathed deeply into the darkness -
and rested there...

Mystic Meandering
April 17, 2023
from my journal notes

The "darkness" can be anything;
sadness, grief, depression, anger;
any feeling or emotion that we have labeled
"wrong" or "dark"

Photo -
(not me :)


OM - the song of Life - comes out of darkness
and creates everything that is -
creating from darkness; creating out of darkness.

What does this darkness need to teach me?  I asked...

Trust the darkness to take you where you need to go...


Photo and Art - Mystic Meandering

Everything is embraced/held by "The Mystery",
including what we experience as "darkness."
Nothing is excluded, even the "darkness" however
that manifests in our minds.

You have to be willing to dance with the darkness,
which only means that you are willing to meet it,
to be with it, and not try to push it away;
not resist it as something absent of Light,
but seeing that the darkness is not opposite
of Light.

Author Unknown



  1. NICE...♥♥♥ “What hurts you, blesses you. Darkness is your candle“― Rumi

    1. Thank you... I love the quote from Rumi - - "darkness is your candle."


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