
Come meander with me on the pathless path of the Heart
in these anecdotal,
sometimes inspiring, sometimes personal meanderings of the Heart's opening in the every-day-ness of life...

Saturday, October 5, 2024

The Melody of Silence - from the Quran

In the depths of the soul, where words dissolve,
Sounds a secret melody,
A music that no ear can hear,
For it is woven from the very silence,
This sacred silence, where the world ceases to whisper,
And where the eternal song of the Divine begins.

This melody has neither beginning nor end,
She is the echo of an ancient Love,
A Love that exists before time,
Before the stars are lit,
Before the universe was woven,
She is the first breath,
He who gave life to clay,
And which continues to resonate in the hearts
of those who listen,
With the ears of the soul.

In the melody of Silence,
Each note is a prayer,
Each break, a return to the Source.
Those who have passed through the tempest of the ego,
And the torments of the spirit,
Know that this music is not found in the noise of the world,
But in the inner quietude,
Where heaven and earth meet,
In the sacred union of being and non-being.

The melody of Silence is the voice of Love,
Who speaks without words,
Who touches without touching,
Who kisses without hugging,
It is the melody that the prophets heard
in their hears,
When they were alone with the Beloved,
When the night enveloped the world,
And the whole cosmos seemed to hold its breath,
Waiting for the Light to reveal itself.

from the Quran

with thanks to No Mind's Land


Photo - Mystic Meandering

The Silence of the Soul is my Home, my Friend...


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