I am really learning how life is like a pot of stew these days. Some days you get the sweet meat and other days you get the turnips, depending on what bubbles up to the surface. It seems that “contentment” rolled her way back to the bottom of the pot and a variety of other morsels have rolled their way to the surface… It seems the “dark” and “light” are all in this stew together – floating around together – taking their turns, offering their savory tidbits.
Yesterday I was in a stew about many things and instead of just walking away from the hot stove I fell face first into the stew – splat. When I finally managed to pull myself out of the pot I had a lot of sticky gravy all over me and had to wipe it off with a rag of humility – and step away from the stove.
Such is life…
I keep dipping that big ladle in trying to find “contentment” again, hoping she’ll find her way to the top of the pot and grace me with her sweet aroma. So far no sightings in this deep, dark stew. I’m sure she’s still in there somewhere, but it seems in trying to dig for her she eludes me – jumping off the ladle just as I think I’ve caught a glimpse of her again.
So I’m skimming off the top… Not necessarily liking what has been dished up, but willing to sit and look at it a bit. Although yesterday I turned my nose up at it and was rather like a spoiled child who didn’t want to eat her Life Stew and stormed off wanting only the dessert – the sweet “goodies” of life… But that didn’t work. I still didn’t get what I wanted. And the pot of Life Stew continues to bubble up today – still simmering.
Last night as I lay in bed still awake at 1:15am it *finally* dawned on me to ask: What needs to be seen here? Ah – that diverted the mind off the “I don’t want to eat my stew” routine. *Something* is obviously being offered up here in this unsettled stew of life that keeps boiling and roiling with its potatoes, carrots, peas, onions, celery and yes – yukky turnips. And it appears I don’t get to pick what I want. Heh, heh, heh – Like I didn’t know that one already… I mean I didn’t fall off the turnip truck ya’ know… (sorry :) The sweet taste of contentment is not being offered on the menu this week so far, so it looks like I’ll need to chew on that piece of turnip for a while and see what nourishment it has to offer. Maybe I’ll add a spice or two to make it more palatable.
Am off to tend to the pot of life again and see what comes up – wish me luck!
I wonder where I left my cookie stash – just in case…
You notice there aren’t any turnips in the picture :)
Wonderful analogy! We don't always like what floats to the surface...and yet there it is...begging to be seen, to be tasted, digested and yes, released.
ReplyDeleteNow I need to go cook a pot of something warm and bubbly for supper...wonder what my fridge has to offer up?
I love your stew story. And now what? Is there spice to add??? How about some ayervedic , something salty, something sweet, pungent, sour? Or maybe you will wake up tomorrow and it will taste entirely different.... you know how some things taste better a day or two later!
ReplyDeleteBon appetit as Julia would say!
Laura ~ Yeah, it all flows through in the end doesn't it :) given enough time... C
ReplyDeleteAh yes, "Julia" the left overs always seem to taste better don't they!? Just wait a while and things begin to taste differently... Although I'm thinking a little "spice of life" might be a nice addition here as well :) Paris doesn't seem to be a possibility - but - you've given me an idea! ;) Future blog...
ReplyDeleteBon Apetit to you as well! C