
Come meander with me on the pathless path of the Heart
in these anecdotal,
sometimes inspiring, sometimes personal meanderings of the Heart's opening in the every-day-ness of life...

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Life In Motion

I’ve been noticing this week that Life is always in motion. I know this may be a blinding flash of the obvious intellectually, yet actually *seeing* how Life moves, rising and falling, expanding and contracting, ebbing and flowing from day to day has made it a “knowing.” I have become more aware of how unaware I have been. I tend to look at life linearly, expecting, or projecting, that life will go a certain way, or get “better” one step at a time – but it’s all actually just Life in fluid motion: Pure Conscious Knowing Awareness moving in, through and *as* life experience – morphing into shapes, forms, colors, sounds, life circumstances and events. This has been an eye-opener, allowing a little more Light in – dazzling me with its brilliance.

*Everything* is in constant motion – everything - even those things that appear to be still. A tree is growing. Seeds are germinating. Snow is melting into another form. My simple cold turned into the “flu.” The intensity of the swell of love and emotion for my brother and anxiety over his circumstances diffused with the realization that Pure Consciousness is moving "him" through life - is moving *as* his life experience. Amongst these major movements and awarenesses, there are the smaller movements and awarenesses of the usual flow of life from day to day – whether I participate in them or not. This week it’s been mainly noticing and realizing how easy it is to engage in the emotional reactiveness that is still there – another movement; or the interpretations of what’s happening and the mental gymnastics about what to *do* about them – another movement - when in fact there was nothing I could *do* about most of it. It was just Life moving Itself. Consciousness, in its dynamic stillness, is fluidly moving as form and formlessness simultaneously. I’m now more aware of this movement of Consciousness Itself taking shape and form, color and texture, disguised as life experiences, thoughts and emotions.

From my noticing it appears that this Pure Consciousness is interactive in the way that it moves in and through life experience. It intermingles – never static, not separate - continuously moving with and as Itself – manifesting Itself *as* the manifest, in the experience. Like different paint colors coming together in a swirl – the same essence, yet different colors - morphing Itself into a new color; or like cosmic energy fields, swirling through space, morphing again and again, yet always in dynamic stillness…

It seems the way to get through the varied circumstances of life, then, is to move with Life – with Pure Consciousness Itself. Another blinding flash of the obvious. Yet, I so easily resist moving with this Conscious Creative Awareness. It’s like a dance really, using little nuances of movement, leaning into the movement of Life, letting it lead – making adjustments here and there, big or small, depending on the conditions. This week it appears it’s about seeing/feeling the movement more clearly, and adjusting to the Flow of Life, staying tuned to the subtle movements of Consciousness through being fluidly aware from moment to moment… Obviously more awareness is needed…

The little video above is music played to a visualizer. I am mesmerized by these. They are such a wonderful expression of the movement of life, the movement of Pure Consciousness, shape-shifting Itself continuously – Life in Motion. Enjoy!
It's only 1:52 long.

Video created by Christine
Music: "Beyond Words"
from: Music Bakery

1 comment:

  1. I just wrote about this on my blog yesterday...in a way...the constancy of change.


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