Life is the movement of Aware Still Consciousness.
Life is the manifestation of this “Mystery” ~
the movement of this vast Stillness.
Life itself is “The Mystery” in endless, subtle movement
with Itself ~
*as* Itself ~
in form…
There is a rhythm to this movement
a rhythmic fluid movement
that intimately “interacts” with form,
like the Ocean lapping up on shore ~
The gentle, rhythmic movement of Consciousness ~
aware of Itself…
”The Movement” is Awareness Itself in the space of Quietude,
where everything falls back into
the Rhythm of Awareness ~ Awareing.
There is an invitation from this Still Aware Presence to
rest in this movement of “The Mystery” within you.
Be the Rhythm ~
Live the Rhythm ~
Sweet Serenity…
Notes from my journal – 2009
Photo ~ Christine Kennedy
So beautiful. Thank you for posting these elegant words.