if it were voices instead of colors
there would be an unbelievable
[sound] into the heart…”
Rainer Maria Rilke
But I have no idea what this beautiful plant is!
I thought we had a Holly Bush that started to grow several years ago because of the multiple pointy sides of the leaves. This is the first year that it has bloomed with these bright yellow, dainty, cluster flowers. The flowers have a beautifully gentle fragrance. So if you can identify what kind of bush this is, I would appreciate it… :)
I'm pretty sure that's Oregon Grape. We have it growing at our place along with Salal. It makes great jelly!
ReplyDeleteThank you David! And thanks for the link! It was quite interesting to read about. It does look like that is what it is :) I look forward to the little grapes coming next!
Delete"Just listening...to the sound of Life." How I love those words, Christine... and will carry these into my day. :o) I thought that was holly too...so interesting with those yellow blooms! We have holly, but nothing like that here, I don't think. Happy Week ((HUGS))
ReplyDeleteThank you Tracy :) Yes, am trying to *listen* more myself, to be more aware of the Life that is living all around me. The bush is apparently "Oregon Grape" :) Will have little grapes soon I hope :)
DeleteBeautiful!! Yep, that's Oregon Grape :)
ReplyDeleteHey Sarah! Thanks for coming by and leaving the confirmation :) Pretty propitious to have them growing right outside my front door! I may use the flower essence... Not knowledgeable enough to make my own :)
DeleteI'm drinking in the sunshine from that photo! Thank you for this moment of PRESENCE, for the slowing down, sensing. . .
ReplyDeleteYes they are absolutely *brilliant* yellow! Unfortunately I stepped in the way of the sun on that first one and shadowed it a bit. Yes, I needed to slow down, and be more aware :) And these little things were just screaming at me to be seen! (as Rilke infers) :)
DeleteWe have tons of oregon grape growing here on the coast and I have been known to pull it out for it's weed like quality, but a nice healthy specimen like that is quite lovely. I knew it was used in cleansing tinctures but I did not know about the jelly. It will get lovely blue fruit on it that look like blueberries.
ReplyDeleteI love this line "Listening to the sound of life" good thing to remember to do, ah the rich and varied sounds we normally hardly notice. and the Rilke piece is lovely "blooming recklessly" yes!
How interesting! And what a delight that it just happened to unexpectedly grow here a few years ago - probably from a bird dropping a seed. Am looking forward to the blue berries...
DeleteThe flower is also made into a flower essence, if you are familiar with those. And you will love this! :) Oregon Grape is taken for those who are working on "the ability to trust!" For those who are learning "to break the pattern of mistrust, and to trust in the goodness of others; and having a positive expectation of goodwill from others" - wow... Nothing like a message from the Universe dropped at my door! I need to go check my stash and see if I have any!
And I'm also learning to trust Life more - to *listen* and trust that deep sound of Life within - which is also "blooming recklessly" in Nature now...
that is really interesting, and you probably know there is a theory that the plants we need are the ones that grow close by. yes I know the flower essences but didn't know that about oregon grape. I have even used some of the essences for my old cat! So now you need to create a flower essence from your special friend!
DeleteYes, and I imagine that the people that come into our lives as well :) I'm not sure that Oregon Grape is one of the Bach Flower Essences, but is in the "North American" series. It would be nice to create an essence, but I don't think I caught the blooms in time. They are wilting and we will get snow overnight tonight. But that would be fun to try next year! :)
Deleteto sit and listen and gaze at the gorgeous flowers. nice so many out there knew what this was!
ReplyDeleteI did see one daffodil in town in bloom. warmer there. and also a few forsythia but not up here on the hill.
And this little bush is right outside my living room window :) Yes, I am glad to now know what it is! This is really the only thing so far that has bloomed in our yard. Neighbors have daffodils, and the neighbor's crab apple trees suddenly popped in pink profusion!
DeleteA gorgeous Oregon Grape it is...
ReplyDeleteAnd the BEST Rumi quote of so many 'best Rumi' quotes!!
Thank you:) It is indeed brilliant! We got snow and 30 degree weather last night and today, so they are drooping, but hopefully may bounce back...
DeleteSo beautiful!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you Julie! Yes, as if lit from within ! :)
Deleteyou have to be very still to do that sort of listening. i'm envious:)
ReplyDeletepretty flowers.
An inner stillness and awareness, feeling the deep aware presence within who hears... I imagine you too are 'in touch' with this silent presence within - as a writer, and working at the animal shelter. It's like just stepping back from all the noise and listening to that inner Life that animates everything...
DeleteI know a sweet scented shrub very much like this except that the flowers are pinkish white. It has a wonderful fragrance and blooms when the weather is rather cold, late winter. That won't leave you much the wiser, though I guess! :D
ReplyDeleteThank you Jenny! I think we've narrowed it down to Oregon Grape :) What a delightful blog you have of London. I do hope you figure out where that strange photo came from on your iphone! Thanks for coming by and leaving your comment... :)
DeleteRilke is one of my very favorites...especially his "Letters to a Young Poet."
ReplyDeleteWe used to have some varietal "wild" grapes growing near us when we were on the other coast -- I never could quite get used to the taste & consistency by themselves. But they also made great jelly!
I just recently read an article on "Letters to a Young Poet" and want to read it! I think my little bush will not produce enough "grapes" for jelly. ZDS says they will actually look more like little blue berries. Am waiting with anticipation to see if they actually come...