
Come meander with me on the pathless path of the Heart
in these anecdotal,
sometimes inspiring, sometimes personal meanderings of the Heart's opening in the every-day-ness of life...

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

We're All One Symphony...

This video is so inspiring!!!

We truly are all One in Essence...


Star Symphony

The Cosmos plays a continuous
Symphony of Silence
that only Stillness can hear.
We have forgotten the music of the
Celestial Songs,
the sound of the stellar Light language
of Love…

Our remembrance lies hidden deep in
the cave of the Heart ~ untouched.
Our unspoken language of the Heart
longs to be opened ~ awakened.

The dormant vibration calls for us to resonate
with the tones of Creation in the
Space of Silence,
in unified expression with
All That Is…

Listen deeply and hear
the Celestial Symphony
within the Stillness.
Follow the pulsing sound
into the vastness,
into Silence.

Find your resonance with the Rhythm
in your Heart ~ and know
we are all a tone of Love
playing our uniqueness in the
Chord of Life,
reverberating with the
Sound of Source…

Mystic Meandering
© August 1, 2001


  1. I've seen this before but had forgotten how spectacular it is! Star Symphony - great title, lovely poem!

    1. Me too - saw it a while back, but had forgotten it until my husband happened to find it and wanted to show it to me :) Was an inspiring reminder, so of course had to post it... And thanks for the compliment on the poem - fellow poet :)

  2. Yes. . . I, too, love the metaphor of our being "unique tones" in a grand symphony. Thank you, Christine.

    1. Am glad :) Thanks for coming by to leave me your note :) It is appreciated...


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