
Come meander with me on the pathless path of the Heart
in these anecdotal,
sometimes inspiring, sometimes personal meanderings of the Heart's opening in the every-day-ness of life...

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Midnight Inspiration...

Elbow on the sill again,
unable to sleep…

It’s been a while since
I’ve come to the window
in the middle of the night
to taste the Silence…

I immediately feel
the *Presence*…
Not just the silence of the night,
or the silence of nature,
but the True Silence
that breathes everything
and permeates all life…

True Silence is a balm;
True Silence *is* Love;
True Silence is the Friend;
is the Presence of The Beloved
that soothes my heart’s deep grief
   for an inexplicable loss at the edge of time…

Sometimes I can only feel this Presence when
wrapped *in* the Silence that permeates the night;
sitting at the second story window,
when there is only
The Quiet
in the air – breathing.

My troubled heart empties out as
it allows itself to be breathed.
My eyes scan the landscape
in the darkness
making out the familiar
silhouetted images of
houses, trees, and fence lines;
house lights in the distance,
shining their warm, inviting glow;
and the ever-burning
waiting to light some midnight
wanderer's way…

I have missed sitting in the window,
entraining with the Sacred Silence in the night
where the deep internal kiss of Silence is felt
as the breeze wafts through the window,
letting me know “She” is here…

In the deep Silence I know that I am Home…
 In the Sacred Silence that fills the night
the Unknowable has made ItSelf known…
I have encountered the Ineffable
in the breeze, in the darkness,
in the window, in the silence ~
as Silence.

The Silence
 behind the silence…

My whole being resonates with Its
subtle vibration;
the alive, tangible
breath of the Mystery.

What is left to say really…
Only to be silent in the Presence of Silence,
bowing internally
in recognition of the
Great Silence;
opening the Heart
to Its

Mystic Meandering
July 17, 2015

In August 2011 I started a “practice” that I called
 “Window Sitting.”
I would come to the open window in my office around midnight
and just sit…listening in the Quiet of the night.
I would turn and face out the window, leaning on the window sill,
left elbow at the sill, leaning into the screen, as if out into the night,breathing in the night air and the silence…
It became a way of deeply listening to the Inner Silence as well.
It was a way, other than sitting on the cushion to meditate, to
rendezvous with deep Silence – the space of Pure Awareness,
pure Beingness, and I have often referred to it as meeting
”The Beloved.”
It’s a space where I become more aware of that Inner Presence.
I often scribble notes on scratch paper in near darkness when
The Silence sings to my Heart, which often becomes prose poems
such as the one above.  I put no artificial light on.
Or if The Silence is silent, I bask in the Rhythm of Silence
being intimately aware of The Silence that is Life…
The Nameless Unknown that permeates everything…
The practice lasted until winter of that year when it was too cold
to open the window, and started again the next May, but due to
circumstances beyond my control, it only occurred sporadically over a few months.


Thursday, July 23, 2015

The Cosmic Symphony...

The Cosmos plays a continuous Symphony of Silence
that only Inner Stillness can hear…
We have forgotten the music of the
 Celestial Songs
that sound the stellar light language of

Our remembrance lies hidden deep in
the cave of the Heart – untouched…
The unspoken language of the Heart
longs to be opened – awakened…
The dormant vibration calls to us,
to resonate with the tones of Love
in the Space of Silence ~
The Space of Love…

Listen deeply and hear the
Celestial Symphony
within the Stillness
of the Heart…

Follow the cosmic waves
into the Vastness
of Silence…

Find there your resonance
 with the Rhythm
in your Heart

~ and know ~

we are all a tone of Love
playing our uniqueness in the
Chord of Life,
reverberating with the
Sound of Source

~ Love ~

Mystic Meandering
August 1, 2001

Photo: Cosmic Waves Mandala
Mystic Meandering

Friday, July 17, 2015

The Cosmic Dance...

Come, Dance…

the dance of Silence within;
the vast Cosmic Dance of the Divine
that exists within
this Still Presence
that we are…

Come, Dance…

In the Stillness of the Cosmic Ocean…


Hear the Rhythm of Silence
that lies within, behind
the door of the Heart…
that connects us to the Great Mystery;
the Expansiveness of Life ItSelf,
the contractions, contradictions,
distractions, distinctions
and distortions
on the surface waters of
life - as we live it…

Come, Dance…

Be emptied out…
Recede into
 the Great Unknown
as a wave falling
into the endless movement
of the Ocean;
held by the still waters of The Mystery…

Cradle your heart in your arms,
turn inward,
open and
unfurl your self  into the Great Ocean
of the Eternal Heart of Love…


Mystic Meandering
July 2015

This poem was inspired by watching several you tube videos
and learning the symbolism behind the Sufi Whirling Dance,
which is referred to as a “concert of the galaxies”
and was essentially done to open the Heart
to the Universal Heart - our Divine nature.
Rumi first initiated the dance around a pole at
the Mosque during his grieving for the loss of
his Friend Shams of Tabriz

Photo: Blown Glass Ball with glass extensions inside
I can see a Whirling Dervish there :)

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Still Point of the Heart...

Empty your self out
until all that is left is Silence,
the still hush


of the Heart…

Lay it all down ~ and let the Silence breathe you.

It doesn’t matter what you’ve been taught,
what words you have heard,
what beliefs you have believed…

Lay it all down ~ and just listen to the
Sound of Sacred Silence,
the deep Rhythm in the Heart.

Unconcern yourself with words,
beliefs, concepts of the dreaming mind.
Fill yourself with the Rhythm of the Stillness;
the living atmosphere of Love…

Live from the silent Flame
that burns in your Heart;
brighter than any words,
any teachings, any beliefs,
revealing everything…

Lay it all down ~
and Live!
 Resting in the still-point of the Heart


Mystic Meandering
Dec. 2010

Sunday, July 5, 2015

The Silence Calls...

Silence called me to the window again.
She beckoned me to come and be still,
to listen…

She waited for me to settle,
to be quiet…
Waited as I deepened
into her Stillness…

No agenda, She whispered…

I listened…

Put everything aside and just breathe, She said.
Be aware of My Breath, breathing you…
Experience my Presence,
Feel my Fullness,
Sense the Intimacy
in every cell…

From the depths of Stillness
I heard Her call again,
calling me back to HerSelf.
Like the Great Ocean pulling back
the waves on shore,
back to Itself…
The wave giving in to the pull…

The Great Silence called
again and again;
the silent rhythmic intimacy of wave and Ocean,
one and the same…

The Silence embracing ItSelf,
knowing only

The Eternal Embrace…

Come – She whispered…
Follow the pull…
Give in…
Come Home…

Mystic Meandering
Aug/Sept. 2010

Photo: The inside of a seashell 

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Simply Fall Into the Heart - Jeff Foster

Do not *try* to open your heart…
Never tell a closed heart it must be more open;
it will shut more tightly
to protect itself,
feeling your resistance.

There is a supreme intelligence of the heart.
A heart unfurls only when conditions
are right;
demand for openness
invites closure…

bow to the heart…
If it is closed, let it be closed…
Trust that when the heart is ready,
it will open…
There is no rush for the heart…

Trust the opening and the closing;
the expansion and contraction;
this is the heart’s way of breathing;
the beautiful fragility of being human;
and all held in the most perfect

Sink more deeply into the
unchanging vastness at
the core of your being.

Rediscover the core of who you truly are,
beyond the mask,
behind the carefully constructed facades,
the infinitely creative defences…

Simply fall into the Heart of Love…
our very nature.

Jeff Foster