
Come meander with me on the pathless path of the Heart
in these anecdotal,
sometimes inspiring, sometimes personal meanderings of the Heart's opening in the every-day-ness of life...

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Change - Amoda Maa

The world is breaking, down or open, or both.  We stand at a
major bifurcation point, like never before seen in our human
story.  It is an inner and outer breaking point, a point of 
maximum stress.  A point when we the "system" (whichever
system we're talking about, it could be a physical thing like
a piece of metal or a psychological thing like the ego-mind
or a biological thing like a cellular organism or a collective
thing like a species) is under severe pressure to evolve.

But this evolution is not guaranteed.  The system could 
totally break down and devolve.  It could collapse into
insanity or chaos.  It could fall into unconsciousness, fear
and hysteria.  It could only barely survive.  Or it could start
the process of breakdown and at the critical point break through
to a new level.

Each of us is called to listen from a deeper place to what is
demanded by the reflection of the outer world.  Do we 
continue to operate from a divided state, a state of fear and
panic and noisy narratives that lock us into armored perspectives
and narrow pedestals?  Or do we open so wide that we can hold
the totality of the mess, the loss, the grief, the horror and the
agony in that openness, and then remain as this openness come
what may?  Can we truly take up the invitation for an inner
revolution of consciousness?

Today, a well of sorrow for the insanity that floods humanity
and keeps on coming.  Today, a whisper of light on the horizon
of darkness as the potential for transformation and evolution

with thanks to No Mind's Land


Photo from the internet


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