
Come meander with me on the pathless path of the Heart
in these anecdotal,
sometimes inspiring, sometimes personal meanderings of the Heart's opening in the every-day-ness of life...

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Mystery and Ambiguity - Rod MacIver & MM

The spiritual ground that underlies what is not well articulated
can be just as powerful as the spiritual ground under something
that is carefully thought and executed.

Maybe the spiritual ground under what is not well articulated
has the potential to be even more profound because 
spirituality almost by definition involves mystery and ambiguity.
The closer one gets to the truth, the more ambiguous things get.

Rod MacIver
Heron Dance


No one can define what another's "spiritual" experience of
"The Mystery"/The Divine/The Ineffable, etc., should be or is...

It is my experience that each of us experiences "The Mystery"
uniquely, based on our individual beliefs, conditioning, approach,
and spiritual needs at any given moment.  Also in my experience,
"The Divine" (however defined) comes to us in a way we can
hear and receive; or in the way that we call to "The Divine."
"It" shows up in different "forms" or "energies" so that we may
recognize It.  The difficulty comes in trying to articulate that

My expressions of "The Mystery" (as I now call "The Divine")
reflect my own experience of that conundrum at any given time.
I don't "decide" to write a poem, poems emerge from time to time.
Sometimes the words are often the words that come to me during
silence or meditation.  I do however sometimes "play" with the
words hoping to make a poem less ambiguous, less obscure, less
nebulous, or esoteric.  They merely reflect my inner experience of
"The Mystery", which is by nature obscure, obtuse, and nebulous;
and which cannot be adequately articulated - as one cannot
explain "The Mystery."  They are not meant to be directives to
anyone else, only possible inspirations for any like-hearted souls
who happen to read and resonate with the words expressed...



A Humble Lover of "The Mystery"



Photo - Mystic Meandering
a "mystake" :)



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