
Come meander with me on the pathless path of the Heart
in these anecdotal,
sometimes inspiring, sometimes personal meanderings of the Heart's opening in the every-day-ness of life...

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Love Floats...

~ Love ~
wafted through my being one night;
a simple, unassuming
gentle, tender, openness of love
that just
t h r o u g h ~~~~

Don't know where it came from - or why...

It's imponderable...

It moved through
like a feather of light;
a moment of in-spiration
here and gone,
awakening the 

It came without reason...

Just ~ Love ~ loving.

Somehow I knew
that our deepest purpose,
our deepest Truth
is this "Love"
that softly glided through,

We cannot contrive this
Love, this purpose...
grasp it, or hold onto it.
It is not a goal, or concept.
It is not "we" who love
but simply Love loving,
on its own,
without effort.

Love happening...


"We" merely remain open
and allow
to come,
to move in us,
and through us.

Like a fragrant breeze
that drifts
through an open window,
softly kissing the air,
startling the senses

and before dissipating,
silently whispers...

All there is,
~ Love ~


And so it is...

Mystic Meandering
May 17, 2015


Photo -  Mystic Meandering


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