
Come meander with me on the pathless path of the Heart
in these anecdotal,
sometimes inspiring, sometimes personal meanderings of the Heart's opening in the every-day-ness of life...

Saturday, March 22, 2025

Creating Your Own Reality - Haramein

There is a concept that a person can create their own reality.

This concept is only partially correct because it is generally
discussed in a one-way manner i.e., a person sending a message
to the field [God, the Universe, etc.] with a request/intention/
prayer desiring an outcome.

This is only 1/2 of the loop.

The wave you're sending is the feed-forward part of the loop.
You need to realize that the wave coming back is the feed-back
which is the rest of the Universe creating its reality and 
responding to you.  The Universe (Planck Field or "The Divine")
interacts with the rest of humanity and your creation and the
Universe gives you a result that is a combination of everyone's
feed-forward waves.

If a person could create a reality exactly the way they wanted it,
 a few things would happen:

1) you would be the only one in it because everybody else would
be creating their own.  It would be very lonely.

2) you would also be bored within seconds since you had everything
you wanted.  

What happens is that you put your intention out into the field and
you stay open to what comes back realizing it's going to get modified
for the highest evolution of the whole.  (One can only hope this is true :)

The unexpected feed-back gives you empathy for yourself and others.
You might not get exactly what you expected but now you're learning
from the experience. [Hopefully true.]  The totality of everyone's learning
is how the Universe learns about itself....

Nassim Haramein


Photo - Mystic Meandering


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