Come meander with me on the pathless path of the Heart in these anecdotal, sometimes inspiring, sometimes personal meanderings of the Heart's openingin the every-day-ness of life...
Monday, March 3, 2025
Real Love Video
A rescue kitten abused by a previous owner lashes out in fear. But the foster Mom cat knows just what to do to patiently gain the kitten's trust...
"Not all who wander are aimless especially those who seek truth beyond tradition, beyond definition, beyond image..." ~~ from Mona Lisa Smile ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"A mystic is content with nothing less than to touch the Truth in its most universal purity."
~~ Ivan Granger Poetry Chaikhana ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Walk The Earth In Silence
Walk the Earth in Silence, in the stillness of Being, communing, listening, hearing, sensing, feeling.
Walk the Earth in Silence of unassuming, open, receptive, awareness; leaving only a trace of a footstep here and there.
Walk the Earth in Silence from the stillness of the Heart; standing at the still-point, in the hush of the Mystery...
Speak the language of Silence, Heart to Heart, whispered wordlessly in the silent Rhythm...
I am simply following the pathless path of the Heart in the every-day-ness of life, exploring "The Ineffable Mystery" of Life.
I do not define myself by any particular path or religion - as Life ItSelf is the ever unfolding Mystery, and an ever deepening discovery of the many expressions of The Infinite, expressing ItSelf as all Life.
I write about and post what inspires me, and what I am passionate about: exploring the Mystery of Being and The Truth of Existence.
Writings here include: prose poetry and anecdotal meanderings. I also dabble
in photography and art, which
accompany my postings.
You will also find a variety of other people's writings here based on what speaks to me and inspires me, depending on where I am on this journey called "life."
If something that I have written touches your Heart, and you wish to share it, you may for your personal use only, such as your blog or other social media forums with appropriate credit given to:
Mystic Meandering, and a link
back to this blog.
HOWEVER, writings, poetry, photos and art may not be used for commercial financial gain.
I would love to hear from you
if you want to use something here.
Or, if you would like
to ask me anything about what I write here...
You can contact me at:
Return To Stillness
Return to the consciousness of Stillness that speaks through the Heart from the in-between spaces in the Celestial Ocean of Creation...
Stillness expresses through vibration, through resonance, in and through the inner Heart ~ the Inner Being...
Quiet the mind and the heart of thoughts, of emotions, of pain, of struggle, and just listen...
Reach deeply into the Stillness of pre-creation ~ the Primordial Space ~ and allow it to permeate you, to thrive in you...
Be at one with Stillness, with Sacred Silence, where the seeds of luminescent Love form and expand, through ripples of pure Innocence, reverberating in a pool of Stillness...
Allow Stillness to emerge from Its place of solitude in the womb of the Heart; from Its sanctuary of wholeness, and give it voice...
Allow Stillness to be your Truth, and Truth your Stillness...
October 2001
The Whisper
The Rhythm of Sacred Silence calls me back into ItSelf again and again... It waits patiently while I move through my stories ~ through my illusions ~ my contractions of fear ~ my brokenness...
The Rhythm invites me to dance ~ to sway to Its movement ~ to hear Its pulse ~ its silent
language, like a whisper in the
background of noise,
trying to get my attention.
I have to be still to hear The Whisper speaking softly: come, be with Me come and be still, come, listen, hear Me, come, dance with Me, come, be with Me, come and be still...
I turn my attention to listen curiously, as if someone has spoken just over my shoulder ~
barely audible... I wait and listen - aware of a
subtle presence,
like butterfly wings. The Rhythm rises - palpable. It draws me to it...
I bow inwardly to The Whisper... We embrace and dance in stillness The sweet Rhythm of Love...
March 2009
Infinite Light
Just rest in the gaze of the Infinite ~ in the Infinite Light that infuses and embraces all...
Just turn your gaze inward to the Infinite Heart Presence that lights you ~ that *is* you...
Feel this Presence of Love gazing from within ~ Seeing what you see, Hearing what you hear, Feeling what you feel, Experiencing what you experience...
Feel its fluid vibrating pulse running through your body...
Let this Light, this Love, within you live you...
It is anyway...
Just rest...
Sweet Serenity.
December 2009
The Rhythm
I float on the swells of the great Sea, the vast, open Spaciousness; out beyond the thought stream of duality. Just the deep calm of Isness rising and falling in and endless subtle rhythmic movement; a stillness that ebbs and flows fluidly.
Here there is a gateway into Rest, the Quietude, where everything falls into "The Rhythm," into the deep calm of the One.
I allow myself to be taken by "The Rhythm," the rising and falling of Stillness. It's "The Rhythm" of the Formless that holds me, that sustains and supports me ~ that is me...
There is only "The Rhythm" in everything, as everything ~ the expressions and experiences of Life.
We breathe, and are breathed by "The Rhythm."
August 2009
Let Go and LIVE
Let go.
Let it all go: Hopes for the future. Regret for the past. Expectations for the present.
Embraced in the space of
Divine Emptiness, resting at the still-point...
with no conceptual framework
for your life. No scaffolding of thought or plan
to hold "you" together...
Dissolve in the great Ocean
of your Infinite Beingness...
without requiring life to be
without wanting to change what is to suit you...
Surrendered and emptied out of the way your conditioned mind tells you that life must be...
Let go of your attachment to your inexhaustible patterns of fear that keep you safe, but confined...
Let go into the Living Stream that already carries you
June 2014
The Eternal Embrace is a dynamic Stillness of Being that holds everything as it is, with no need to change anything.
We are held in this space of Presence, the space of Divine Embrace ~ a Vastness that just is...
There is only ever Embrace ~ a deep compassionate Embrace for all life ~ for all that is ~ as it is...
The Divine embracing Itself in *every* expression...
We ARE the Embrace ~ embracing Itself
We are fluidly and interchangeably the Embrace.
Divine Intimacy...
Celestial Songs...
Prose Poetry is a mystic's music -
Celestial Songs - if you will - singing the cosmos; poetic
perceptions of Life; the expression of Conscious Awareness.
The Poems below were written over many years. Many have arisen from the Silence within,
and often speak of the Sacred Silence, "The Beloved", and the Mystery of Being that we all are...
Wanderer, your footsteps are the road, and nothing more; Wanderer, there is no road, the road is made by walking.
By walking one makes the road, and upon glancing behind one sees the path that will never be trod again.
Wanderer, there is no road - only wakes upon the sea...
Antonio Machado
photo above by my father 1952/53
Life is encouraging you to come along... ~ author unknown
"We're all just walking each other home..." Ram Dass
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Header Art:
"An Unexpected Morning Visit" by - Ted Nasmith ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As far as I am aware this art has been made available on the internet by the owner. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I hope you consider it a compliment if I have quoted from your blog site, web site, book or article, giving you appropriate credit and a link to your site...
However, if you find something posted here that you feel does not give you appropriate credit, please contact me and I'll delete it.
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