
Come meander with me on the pathless path of the Heart
in these anecdotal,
sometimes inspiring, sometimes personal meanderings of the Heart's opening in the every-day-ness of life...

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Mystical Peace...

A stranger arrived yesterday,
engulfed me in Her Peace...

In Her Presence
everything settled...

everything let go of me..
all entanglements
all resistance
all struggle

everything became strangely Quiet within...

everything rested within me,
not lifeless - just rested...

It was like a mystical fog of Peace
surrounding me,
holding me -
and I was still - 
at my core...

When She arrived
life was allowed to be as life is,
despite what was going on externally.

I listened deeply to her whispers...

She felt 'strange' to me
only because She
was just there
a softening presence....

She was larger than life;
beyond mental understanding
or explanation...

Yet, I knew that I know this "stranger."
She was strangely familiar...
I'm sure we have met before...

I welcomed her with gratitude...

She drew closer and wrapped Her mantel of Peace
around my Heart...

The Fire-Light within began to brighten...
Love emerged...

She was Home...

Mystic Meandering
adapted from a poem written in 2015


Photo - Mystic Meandering
Winter 2015


 Even in the midst of chaos there is Peace...
Even in the midst of complexity there is Simplicity...
Even in the midst of confusion there is Stability...

I keep reminding myself to
stay rooted in my Eternal Nature at the 
Core of your Being...


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