This is the name that artist Miriam Louisa Simons of Australia gave to her series of paintings she did following her breath with the strokes of her brush. (That funky piece to the right is my own :) Louisa’s art is literally breathtaking and inspiring at the same time, as well as brilliantly colorful and luminescent. I know anyone who is creative and all who are artists will appreciate her work. I recently found her work, although I have been reading her blog for some time now, and love the simplicity and directness in her writing.
In her description of her “Breathscribe” series she says: “During meditation, as the tide of my breath took me deeper and deeper into stillness and silence, the idea arose to work – somehow – with that rhythm of inspiration and exhalation… What if I painted the flow of my breath?”, she asked... “The relationship between breath and spirit revealed itself. Over time, the paintings evolved in their own way…”
In seeing her “Breathscribe” work I was enamored with its color and rhythm. I was reminded of the power of awareness, of just seeing, and of bringing awareness to the breath, to life; to always come back to the rhythm of the Breath, the rhythm of Awareness, and surrender to it. Where does the breath go? Where does it lead? At times it seems to lead to the Silent Wisdom within, to where Spirit speaks in the Heart of Hearts. At times it seems to lead nowhere in particular. One must listen in internal silence for the breath of Spirit to speak, if it speaks at all. It arises on its own, speaks as it wills, giving voice in the pen, in the brush, in the song, in the dance, in the thought, in the idea, in the beauty and fluidity of color and creativity – expressing that which is known in the Silence.
You can view Louisa’s luminous “Breathscribe” art at wondering mind studio. She also has a series there called “Rhythm and Color” and one called "The Art of Alchemy" with some wonderful Japanese dye art. Her blogs are: this unlit light and wondering mind studio.
Enjoy the Heart Smiles… :)
I'm ... speechless, dear Christine.
ReplyDeleteThank you for looking, for seeing, and for expressing.
miriam louisa
A lovely and well-expressed post. I wish I knew how to paint or draw. Maybe I should start with coloring mandalas.
ReplyDeleteBe well,
miriam louisa - absolutely my privilege...
Hello Jennifer ~
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comment!
Ooo - coloring mandalas. I have done that and it is fun! Just doing anything creative and colorful is such a wonderful way of getting in touch with the inner Rhythm of Spirit, and gives the Heart a chance to play :)
Play well... Christine