It seems so many of us are presented with so many challenges of just living these days, of just making it through life, whether it’s physical challenges, health challenges, emotional, financial. We’re even facing challenges of a more spiritual nature as we collectively shift into a new consciousness – being challenged to go beyond our traditionally held belief systems and ways of being in the world.
They all have their litany of “what ifs.” What if I become physically incapacitated? What if we go bankrupt? What if we lose the house? What if the business fails? What will happen then… Even “spirituality” seems to offer its challenges, which creates its own set of “what ifs.” For instance, when I left the religion of my childhood 22 years ago I wondered – what if I am condemned to hell for “leaving the faith?” Or, what if I’m going down the wrong path? What if I lose favor with “God”? - as if any of these were possible. At the time the questions seemed pertinent. But I couldn’t focus on the “what ifs” – I had to follow the longing of my Heart.
This weekend while hibernating in my cave with flu-like symptoms, I browsed the bookshelves for something light to read, something inspirational that would take my mind off how I was feeling. I pulled out another book by Oriah Mountain Dreamer that I had read about 8 years ago, called: The Dance: Moving to the Rhythms of Your True Self. (Okay, there’s that little theme again – Rhythms).
I flipped the pages open to the “Prelude” and started reading. It was a list of “What If” questions. I’ll share the ones that spoke to me.
What if your contribution to the world and the fulfillment of your own happiness is not dependent on discovering a better method of prayer, or technique of meditation; not dependent upon reading the right book or attending the right seminar, but upon really seeing and deeply appreciating yourself and the world as they are right now?What if there was no need to change, no need to try to transform yourself into someone who is more compassionate, more present, more loving or wise?What if the task is simply to unfold, to become who you already are in your essential nature – gentle, compassionate and capable of living fully and passionately present?What if the essence of who you are and always have been is enough?What if you knew that the impulse to move in a way that creates beauty (peace, love, compassion, etc) in the world will arise from deep within you and guide you every time you simply pay attention and wait?She then asks:How would (all) this shape your stillness, your movement, your willingness to follow this impulse, to just let go and dance?
Wow – now there’s a list of “what ifs” to ponder when faced with life challenges! I obviously needed to read this list! How would asking these questions change the way we look at our challenges and *where* we look for our answers?
It seems the “good what ifs” turn us inward to find the “answers” within ourselves, to follow the longing of the Heart and not focus on a frail and fragile future “what if” that may never come about, and only keeps us in fear-thinking.
What if the “what ifs” brought us back to our True Self, where we see that we are inherently imbued with the capacity to meet *any* life situation with grace and equanimity, where we discover our capability to move with the ebb and flow of life’s events. And what if we could *know* this in our Heart of Hearts!? And what if all it takes is a shift in perception, a shift in *identity* with the fearful “what if” self to the Beingness that we truly are – The Essence that dances with life as it is… Even saying this feels foreign to me. Like it’s a new dance, and I don’t know the steps.
I’m signing up for dance lessons…
Well, according to the what-ifs you list here, it sounds like there aren't any dance steps to learn— unless you consider breathing and paying attention as dance steps! The what-ifs remind me of meditation, watching and letting go of thoughts, not attaching to ideas about self. Freeing up creative energy. Thank you or sharing these what-ifs!
ReplyDeleteKris, you're absolutely right, there really are no "steps". But sometimes in making the shift into a new way of seeing and being - shifting from the mind "what ifs" to the Heart - there appears to be an infinite pause where everything feels unfamiliar and we start to look for new "steps", for how to navigate in this new way, instead of just opening up, letting go and just dancing with the Rhythm. Like shifting from Jazz to a Waltz.
ReplyDeleteAnd as always, the first and last "step" is stepping back into Awareness Itself, and relaxing into That - letting our Essential Nature lead. I find I need to keep repeating this "step." :) Christine
FORGET THE DANCE LESSONS, you are already tripping the light fantastic! You're doing it, being it...have faith in your own heart to keep the beat and guide your every breath, step, swish of your hips and extension of your lovely fingers.
Well thanks Laura! Yes, I know what you say is true in my heart... Although it feels like I'm still learning to dance with "life as it is." :) Sometimes I'd prefer a Fox Trot and I keep getting the Jive. But I promise to lay off the self-deprecating language, and just allow it all to unfold with no need to fix myself - which was actually the point here - to just let go and dance! I write what I need to hear evidently :) With gratitude. Christine