
Come meander with me on the pathless path of the Heart
in these anecdotal,
sometimes inspiring, sometimes personal meanderings of the Heart's opening in the every-day-ness of life...

Friday, February 22, 2013


"We have not come here to take prisoners
but to surrender evere more deeply
to freedom and joy…

We have not come into this exquisite world
to hold ourselves hostage from love.

Run, my dear, from anything
that may not strengthen
your precious budding wings.

 Run like hell, my dear,
from anyone likely to put a sharp knife
into the sacred, tender vision
of your beautiful heart.

We have a duty to befriend
those aspects…..
that stand outside of our house
and shout to our reason,
”oh please, oh please,
come out to play.”

 For we have not come here to take prisoners,
or to confine our wondrous spirits,
but to experience ever and ever more deeply
our divine courage, freedom and Light!"


Hafiz poem from Love Is A Place


  1. Happiness is...snow in someone else's back yard!

    1. :) heh-heh-heh... We only got 4-6 inches, nothing like your blizzards! Half has melted already, but they're predicting more for Saturday night! We need it badly!

  2. Wish I could play in the snow with you! ;~)xx

  3. especially love the photo with footprints. a beautiful Hafiz poem. esp like "run like hell, my dear, from anyone...sharp knife."

    1. lol - yes! :) And sometimes that is family :) Those footprints are bunny tracks all over the backyard. You know, that magical world inviting us to come play, to be in nature, to be unconfined :)

  4. Snow can be so peaceful-looking. . . Love the bunny-hop-prints.

  5. beautiful photos, filled with the tranquility that fresh snow offers. and of course Hafiz's wise and lovely words! thanks for delicious, sip of beauty topped with wisdom.

    1. Thanks Carole! Glad you enjoyed it. They say a big storm is coming in tonight, dropping 8+ inches or more! Can hardly wait to whip up some new Snow Confections :)

  6. LOVELY winter images, Christine! I especially like the heart-shaped leaf. Dear Hafiz... this line really strikes me today: "surrender evere more deeply to freedom and joy" I'm under the weather with the flu, so this lifted me today. :o) Happy Days ((HUGS))

  7. Thanks Tracy. So sorry to hear you are "under-the-weather." Glad the snow and poem uplifted your spirits :) More to come! We got at *least* ten inches of snow all day yesterday! :)


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