
Come meander with me on the pathless path of the Heart
in these anecdotal,
sometimes inspiring, sometimes personal meanderings of the Heart's opening in the every-day-ness of life...

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Finding The Rhythm of "Silence..."

Photo and Quote by: Larry Kanfer
Photo called “Gatekeeper” from: “On Second Glance”
Published by the University of Illinois Press

Winter is upon us, much like the above photo; intuitively the time for hibernation.  And I’ve been a cranky contemplative because I am not getting enough solitude, quiet, and meditative Silence…  I’m needing to be in "The Stillness", finding the Rhythm of Silence within again – just BEing in that space of Divine Silence until my entire Being feels “nourished” and restored.  It appears that life may soon afford me this deep necessity, allowing me to spend more time in Inner Quiet– the “Gatekeeper” of the Inner Life - listening to "The Silence"; which does not mean I won’t be *doing* anything. HA! There is always "doing" to be done.  But there are some life changes on the horizon that I hope to write about in some future-now…

Finding the Rhythm of Silence is simply sitting in silence, listening for the Inner Flow, the Inner Rhythm and bringing the awareness there...  Finding the Rhythm of Silence within unwinds you - unwinds your thoughts, your feelings, emotions and stresses of the day.  It is the medicine that brings us back into the current of Life - the Inner Life...

From The Silence today:

“You must come into the eternal Rhythm of ‘The Quiet…’
You must learn to live in and from ‘The Silence’
which does not mean
live *in* silence,
but to live *in*
’The Silence...’

the eternal vastness
and depth
’The Silence’
Find your truth
’The Silence’”

Mystic Meandering
Meditative Writings
Nov. 21, 2013


Also see: Perfect Pulsing Silence

May we all find The Rhythm of Silence in our lives...


I just love this photo,
the simplicity, the zen-like quality;
the tangible silence…
It is an old newspaper clipping from years ago
found in one of our archive boxes recently.


  1. As you know, I have felt this a bit lately too. I really appreciate the idea here that it is not about living in silence, but in The Silence, that innermost presence as Rumi calls it.

    I love the image, too. One reason I love winter is that encompassing quiet here in the country. This is not The Silence itself, but it seems to represent it very well.

    Best wishes in what you are anticipating for that sort of structure.

    1. Yes... I also saw the association as well of the "innermost presence" when I read Rumi's poem over on your washed stone's post today.

      Winter being a dormant, quiet and often solitary time (except for the holidays :) seems to be a vehicle for discovering "The Silence..." The "encompassing quiet" that you mention not only seems to represent it, but seems to be a "gateway."

  2. "Cranky contemplative" - I like that...very freeing to not have to feel like I've got my "zen" on 24/7. The photo is gorgeous. Blessings to you, Christine, in The Silence.

    1. :) Ahhhhh, yes... "not having my 'zen' on" 24/7 - lol.... Feeling freer already! Blessings to you as well! And good luck with your beautiful mandala calendar!!! Your creativity has certainly blossomed this year! A testimony to living in "The Silence"!

  3. Late to the party but wanted to add my two pennorth (old English saying), This image is hauntingly beautiful, no wonder you have kept it and the quote feels so integral to the image....thank you for sharing....intrigued by the misty horizon! x


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