
Come meander with me on the pathless path of the Heart
in these anecdotal,
sometimes inspiring, sometimes personal meanderings of the Heart's opening in the every-day-ness of life...

Friday, September 16, 2016

There Is Always An Open Doorway - Licata

Perhaps Life has no interest in us living up to some image.
It doesn't need or want us to be "perfect", or "divine",
 or "awakened", or "healed."  Or manifesting all the things
 we think we want...
It is only ever offering its invitation to fall heart-first
into an immense field of not-knowing - not knowing how to live,
not knowing how to accept, not knowing how to "get awakened",
not knowing how to "heal," and not knowing how to resolve
the ways of love...
And in this not-knowing,
life is there waiting for us,
 revealing its mysteries...

You are so exhausted, so tired of chasing around some fantasy
of a "spiritual" life that you were told was the right one
by some teacher, author, or expert who has figured it out
and come to some fundamental resolution to love
and its untamed creative wildness.

You are longing for rest.
To rest in your True Being.

In the very center of your heart,
there is always an open doorway.

It has nothing to do with wiggling into some conditioned
state of consciousness, other than the pure one that is here,
or with seeking some mythical sustained transcendent experience,
or with any sort of movement beyond the messy world of intimacy,
confusing unresolvable love, and human vulnerability.
It wants so badly for you to walk through, to meet for the first time,
this unbearable longing to go home,
to behold for the first time the
miracle of this precious human body,
of *these* thoughts,
of *these* feelings,
of *these* passing states of consciousness,
exactly as they have been given by an unseen grace.

For in just one moment of caring enough -
of somehow resisting the call to exit this experience for another -
what you see is that it is all made of love,
crafted out of the substance of love,
all the way through,
from inside-out and outside-in.
And no matter what the details,
love has somehow configured itself
as your unique life,
and has offered itself as a gift...
waiting for you to enter inside and hold it,
exactly as it is...

(Matt's words, my format)


  1. No need to live up to some image.....an immense field of not-knowing.....how to do this and do that......so tired of chasing...

    Oh yes! I am tired of seeking. Tired of wondering if this is the way. Or that is the way. Tired of trying to find THE way, for everything.

    If only it was simple.

    And perhaps, it is.

    Thank you.

    Luna Crone

    1. For me it has been a process of letting go of the seeking, the pursuit of some *thing* "out there" and just staying open to "The Mystery" as It reveals ItSelf, with no expectations of an outcome - no bells and whistles of "enlightenement", etc. Just being open to the movement of Life, or should I say, letting the movement of Life (The Mystery) live me - thru me, as it does anyway... It's really all about Love and Compassion, not getting somewhere or attaining anything. Learning to rest in the Heart of our True Bein - which is Love and Compassion. Easier said here in words than actually living it... :) _/\_


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