
Come meander with me on the pathless path of the Heart
in these anecdotal,
sometimes inspiring, sometimes personal meanderings of the Heart's opening in the every-day-ness of life...

Friday, October 2, 2020

A Playful Journey Has Begun...

 A playful journey has begun...

The idea of "enlightenment"
no longer captures her mind.

In her child-like-ness she knows
she is free -
through the innocence and spontaneity of divine play.
Playing in the vast cosmos
liberates her - from the inside -
unburdens her heart...

No "spiritual" image to live up to...
No dogma or doctrine or belief system to follow...

She now spontaneously moves and expresses
the rhythm of her Original Nature in her playfulness;
expressing herself in a language whose origins
she vaguely remembers,
calling to her in playful tunes...

Others may think her eccentric now,
but she is who she always was,
an authentic expression of her Natural Innocence,
at play in the Vast Mystery of the Universe...

Mystic Meandering
Oct. 2, 2020


Photo - Mystic Meandering
Swing Girl and Swing Boy :)



    1. Thank you Dorothea! ♥♥♥ Will be in touch soon!

  2. Wow, the hoops I have to jump though in order to simply say: Amen.

    1. :) Are you talking about the new blogger format? I don't like it either... :( More hoops and less efficiency. But I guess we just have to jump through those hoops :):):) Thank you for your comment despite the hoops :)

  3. Whee ... what fun! What a delightful marrying of picture and words!

    Haha .. about the new blogger format. I never like the changes until I get used to them, which is around the time they change them again.

    1. I am still trying to get used to the new format... Much less efficient, a change for changes sake, not helpful. Haven't figured out how to "edit" a post yet. Left a word out of my post from last night (most recent one) and can't figure out how to "edit" so I can add the word.
      so if you know how to do that let me know! LOLOLOL

    2. If I’m understanding the issue: find the title of the post you want edited in your list, click on the title, look for < > at far left and there will be two options of editing. Hope this helps. :)

    3. Thanks! I clicked on the post in the list and it opened it in "draft" mode and I was able to edit it. I didn't see any < > icon, it just opened. Then I hit "update" but it didn't show that it had re-published it, like on the old format, so I got out of that mode and checked on "View Blog" and it had made the changes. Kind of round about way of getting there but it worked. :) Thanks for the help :)


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