
Come meander with me on the pathless path of the Heart
in these anecdotal,
sometimes inspiring, sometimes personal meanderings of the Heart's opening in the every-day-ness of life...

Monday, October 12, 2020

Fall Open - Amoda Maa


Adversity or suffering is an "organic" part of the human
condition and despite the discomfort and/or issues it brings,
it typically also offers an opportunity for growth or breakthrough.

It is only when we meet life from the unknown - and that is 
what Silence really is, an open-ended unknownness - that we can
really listen to what is true.

...meeting life - right here and now, in this moment - is 
ultimately an invitation to embrace openness.  I invite you
to reject nothing, welcome everything, and surrender into
the deepest falling of the open heart.

I invite you to fall open, even when your world is falling

The personal and global crises we experience in today's world
offer a potent opportunity to turn our allegiance from
the war with reality to the Silent Awareness that is always here.

What is closer than economic collapse?
What is closer than social breakdown?
What is closer than any loss?
What is more intimate and direct than
any thought?

If you stop and listen...
If you stop and feel...
there is the warmth of your body,
the ebb and flow of your breath,
and the pulse in your belly.

If you stop and soften,
there is the simplicity of being.

This recognition of the truth of your innermost nature
is not a spiritual palliative.
It's not about denying what's going on in the world.
It's not about sticking your head in the sand.

It's about meeting reality as it is,
not as you imagine it to be.

Amoda Maa

Excerpts from an article in Stillness Speaks

with thanks to Dorothea Mills


Photo - Mystic Meandering

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