I want to walk through life truly seeing - truly Aware...
Awake to the Presence of the Eternal Being that lives this life...
Awake to the Presence of the Eternal Being that lives this life...
- the Life that animates all life...
I want to See everything as Living Aliveness;
with the same innocent wonder and amazement
as I did as a child, as if seeing Life living for the
first time...
as I did as a child, as if seeing Life living for the
first time...
I want to be in Love with life again -
if I ever was...
if I ever was...
Maybe loving, and living life in new ways...
I want to Hear
the laughter of Life
the laughter of Life
in my Heart.
I want to Experience the Euphoria of
Life ItSelf, living ItSelf
in all its unfolding luminosity,
in the every-day-ness of life...
Life ItSelf, living ItSelf
in all its unfolding luminosity,
in the every-day-ness of life...
I want to Embrace
every thought,
and feeling
as it arises
confine it,
or suppress it,
or correct it
before it is expressed.
every thought,
and feeling
as it arises
confine it,
or suppress it,
or correct it
before it is expressed.
Let me be free from entanglements
of the mind that keep me compliant
and complicit with the world's ways...
I want to risk not following the rules,
the protocols, the agendas of others;
the well-worn paths.
of the mind that keep me compliant
and complicit with the world's ways...
I want to risk not following the rules,
the protocols, the agendas of others;
the well-worn paths.
Instead - rising above the familiarity
of any "path" to see what's really here...
of any "path" to see what's really here...
May I have the courage to speak
with fierce grace to those who
would try to quell this passion,
to strip this enthusiasm, to
suffocate this spontaneity,
to dim the radiance and
clarity of
with fierce grace to those who
would try to quell this passion,
to strip this enthusiasm, to
suffocate this spontaneity,
to dim the radiance and
clarity of
Passion of Being!
Mystic Meandering
Jan. 2011
Jan. 2011
Photo - Mystic Meandering
reflection of stained glass on wall
reflection of stained glass on wall
(Holy Fire :)