When "window sitting" in 2010 with only the bright moon lighting
the night, the non-dual concept of "me-no-me" (or self-no-self) arose...
I scratched some notes out on the windowsill in the moonlight:
"Window sitting", like meditation, takes the focus off the "me"
and puts the focus on what is Aware within me - The Silence -
at the Core of my Being - or some call it Consciousness...
This Silence (for me) unwinds the "me" - slows it down -
gives it space...
Pondering the non-dual concept of whether there's a "me" or no-me
is tedious, divisive, and not very helpful - a conundrum that keeps me
focused on the "me" as if the "me" is arguing its own existence.
The thought arose that the tree does not argue whether it is a tree
or not... It just bes the tree. (Yes, that is what I wrote.) :)
The so-called "me" is like a lens through which the Essence or Core
of my Beingness sees the world, sees life, how it engages with life...
Recently (2024), while sitting in The Silence, these words floated
through: "there is a far bigger Reality than 'spirituality', or 'religion',
or 'non-duality. It is a Reality inclusive of our entire personal
human existence, and human experience - as "me."
The sense (back in 2010 window sitting) was that we have to open
the "aperture" of the "me" - to take in the larger view, to not fixate
on *things*, like thoughts, ideas, beliefs, feelings, circumstances,
people, etc. We have to soften our gaze to see the bigger Reality....
I/me became aware in this moment, sitting at the window, that there
is just a fluid sense of Beingness at my Core, (the only way I know
to describe it) - that which is Aware within me, as me, call it the
Divine Consciousness - or Essential Nature - was I now "no-me?"
And other questions arose: Is it true that there is no "me"?
"How can that be true" (as non-dualists would argue that there is
no me - and no tree...) (I no longer ask questions regarding such
unanswerable abstractions - or maybe I just don't understand the
The sense arose in me (back then) that there is a "me" function of
"Consciousness;" a practical function. Like a thought function, or
body function, there is a "me" function... a "me" mechanism...
(Some call this the ego)
The "me" is a function of our Divine Nature/Consciousness - not
its enemy that needs to dissolve, as some teach. It's a conditioned
function - by life's experiences - habituated to perform in certain
ways, but that also allows the Essential/Divine Nature to express
Itself through this "me" - this human - as me...
Mystic Meandering
Nov. 2024
Photo taken by my brother
on the coast of Gloucester, Mass
You don't possess Life, Life expresses itself through *you*.
Your body is a flower that Life let bloom; a phenomenon
created by Life.
Ilchi Lee
The "religion" of the future will be a cosmic religion. It should
transcend a personal God and avoid dogmas and theology.
Covering both the natural and the spiritual, it should be based
on a sense arising from the experience of all things, natural/human
and spiritual, as a meaningful unity.
Albert Einstein