
Come meander with me on the pathless path of the Heart
in these anecdotal,
sometimes inspiring, sometimes personal meanderings of the Heart's opening in the every-day-ness of life...

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Serenity's Sanctuary - Primordial Presence

There is only Primordial Presence.
Being manifesting Itself –
waiting for you to recognize the Being that you are –
the Primordial Presence that spawned you.

This does not require anything.
You do not need to stop the mind, stop your thinking or emoting,
erase your ego or thoughts.
Just sit back into the Primordial Presence that you ARE and
recognize the Self – Isness.

When you recognize the Self, then all that you have been trying
to “transcend”, transmute, transform, or otherwise manage,
control, or get rid of, will fall away, will dissolve into Presence.

Allow this to happen – naturally – on its own,
without trying, without the gymnastics,
just the calm and quiet sitting back on the lap of Being.


Appearance is not what you are.
It is you that gives it a label.
See behind the label, the image, into the Stillness.
Re-direct all thoughts into Stillness (Presence).
Re-direct all energies into Stillness (Presence).
BE the Stillness and just let It Be: suspended Isness,
without a need for activity, label, function.


There is no “awake” and “unawake” – no “awakening.”
It’s all just Consciousness playing Itself out in form.
There is only Awakeness.
“Enlightenment” is like turning the light on,
turning the switch on and seeing that which is already there –
already Awake.


Suspend in Beingness/Presence
Just Be It…

Sweet Serenity...


Mystic Meandering
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  1. I like what you say. Things begin to sanp into place after awhile. No need to control,work,manage anything. Thanks. doughagens@yahoo.com

    1. Thank you Doug... I appreciate your comment here... Coming back to read my own writings of Being from nearly 3 years ago on this post was "enlightening" :)


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