Besides my window sitting practice, and my sitting meditation practice, I have 3 other “practices” that I practice for a greater sense of awareness of the Awareness/Buddha Nature/Self/Inner Being – that enlivens this body-mind-being – that I thought I’d share.
The first one I do every morning before rising. As I come out of sleep mode, and usually just before the mind kicks in, I rest in that spacious place, breath into the lower dantien, and repeat the words: “I am Awareness” or just “Awareness.” When I say this, an amazing sense of energy runs through my body from head to toe – an aliveness that feels like all my cells are “aligning” or harmonizing in some way. There is a sense of being a part of the entire cosmos, like a “cosmic intimacy.” It brings a sense of alive Presence to this body-mind-being. It’s quite delightful actually, and actually grounds me, as well as gives me a sense of inner aliveness with which to meet the day.
This second one I haven’t done in a long time, but remembered to do this just the other evening, and will continue to do so. In Zen they have a saying that says: “step back until you step into the Looking ItSelf” – into seeing what’s Seeing through your eyes. Several years ago I tried this “stepping back” as an experiment. I sat on the cushion in meditation and figuratively, inwardly, “stepped back,” or in this case, sat back until I *felt* what was Looking through these eyes – until I *felt* what was embodying this body. It was very visceral. I felt this body actually sink into this sense of Inner Being. It opened a sense of curiosity in me and I later tried it while watching TV. I “sat back” internally & energetically, and actually felt a shift *in* the body. A sense of Presence opened up and I had a sense of sinking more deeply into the body. Whenever I do this, whether in the shower, or when doing dishes, or when driving the car, it brings a sense of alive awareness *and* a sense of groundedness – embodiment. It gives me a visceral sense of the Beingness that animates this body that experiences this life, that sees and knows from the place of deep Awareness, deep Aliveness. It is a sense of Oneness with That which is Awake and Aware - the Aliveness that we all are.
I’m sure most of us have all felt the sense of separateness from our True Self at one time or another. It’s what sets many of us on our spiritual journeys – seeking for this Beingness that we are. So how would it feel to know that we *are* this Being that we long for? The third “practice” may or may not be considered a “practice.” It is more of a question. It’s one that I intend to start asking myself: What would it feel like to be fully awake? Or, said another way – What would it feel like to really know that I am this Beingness - how would that feel… I will probably ask this one at the window, and see what happens.
I’d be interested to hear what practices help you to have a greater sense of inner awareness of your True Nature/Buddha Nature/Self/Inner Being – your Aliveness! What practices give you a sense of being the awakened Presence that you are?
Self is what you are…
Fathomless in which experience and concepts appear…
Self is the Heart…Emptiness.
It shines to Itself, by Itself, in Itself.
Self is what gives breath to life.
Only Self is…
Self is the indweller of all Beings.
Enlightenment is always Here.
Presence is always here,
and you are always That…
It is your Heart…
…all comes back to the Heart…
Papaji ~ The Truth Is
Dear Christine,
ReplyDeleteThank you for this lovely post. I think it's important to be aware of what I do that seems to bring me into closer alignment with what is. Thank you for sharing yours and asking here. As almost every morning I wake up with this fear of separation and disconnection I look forward to using your morning meditation.
It has always seemed that my core practice is that one to which I return to when the shit hits the fan (pardon the expression). That's a lot of the 'time' - it seems. Anyway...its basically being as fully and completely and physically present as I can be. Hear the sounds...smell the air...just being physically present in the senses. Probably the very basis of mindfullness. Getting way close up to life so there is no 'space' between awareness and the situation....as a friend once said to me..."Like echo following a sound" or like "the mountain meeting the sky" -- no space in between.
The other is RESTing the body and mind completely.
And perhaps the most important -- trust and love. And the dear suggestions on this post :)
Ooooo ~ Leslie ~ Very nice!
ReplyDeleteI love your sharing: "awareness...hearing the sounds...smelling the air...just being physically present in the senses...mindfulness." Beautiful. "Getting way close up to life...no space in between." - Wow - I love this phrase! I will carry this with me! And yes, I have found deep "RESTing" very helpful... I have to work on the "trust and love" department :)
With gratitude for the wisdom you offered here. C
LOL... "I have to work on the "trust and love" department :)" -- Now HERE we have a mirror of Infinite Wisdom in the Dear Christine :)
I suspect that practices are a crutch, and eventually you'll find that you do not need them. There is only one practice worth doing - Know Thyself First. External is a lie. Us v Them is man's greatest folly. And remember - This is It, This is all there is.
ReplyDeleteHere's something that works for me (especially when I seem to have love and trust issues): Pay very close attention to another person, with all your senses, as if there was no "you", as if there was nothing you wanted or needed, as if that person is worthy of attention for its own sake. Touch the person, if possible, and notice that you have to "erase" yourself to fully experience another. Such deep attending is--well, love! :)
ReplyDeleteNice Maria...as is you great post on Desire. There has been unfortunate disconnection and a accidental mauling of trust. I can feel what you mean by paying close attention to another person (you have someone in mind?!?!:) -- with all your senses. Actually paying close attention to anything...person or, well, ANYTHING...is love. Your blog is an exquisite reflection of this.
Welcome Dan... Thanks for stopping by.
ReplyDeleteI think of "practices" in terms of "training wheels." They are helpful experiential tools, or aids to *seeing* the Truth of 'This' that we are. You could say the same thing of teachings and teachers - they are "crutches" and yet some people find them necessary for "awakening" - the deep Realization of the Truth of who they are... Once the Truth is seen, however, there is no longer a need for the "training wheels"/practices, and they automatically drop away. Technically speaking - anything that facilitates a direct experience of the Awareness that we are could be considered a "practice." In our current "human" understanding/perspective, we are so ingrained in this illusion of separateness, that sometimes it is helpful to have these "training wheels"/practices until we have entrained with the Truth ItSelf.
"Practice" for me is about deepening the awareness of 'This' that I am - experientially; seeing and experiencing IT more intimately, as if I was sitting with a dear friend, getting to *know* them, and realizing that I am them too. And yes, there is no "other", there is only 'This', and I am That, but sometimes one needs binoculars until it is fully seen up close and personal, and *recognized* as not other than what is already Here.
This blog was not created for the purpose of discussion, or argumentation, but I certainly appreciate your input here. If you'd like to discuss any of this further, please email me through my profile page.
BE well :) - Christine
Maria ~ I love this! It is very helpful! I like the sense of "deep attending." I see this.
ReplyDeleteIt seems what you describe here *is* living from the space of BEing Itself - living *as* That, that we are. It's like the "stepping back" into the felt sense of Being and meeting each other from that space. Very nice indeed!
Heart Hugs - Christine