In my last blog post one of the questions I said that I was going to pose during window sitting, to bring a greater sense of Awareness, was: What would it feel like to be fully awake? These are the reflections and “answers” I received over a period of three nights…
What would it feel like to be fully awake?
There is a sense of deep inner calm.
There’s a sense of just being Aware –
aware of everything that is occurring…
aware of everything that is occurring…
Being aware of *life* - life living itself…
The sense of Being the Awareness…
There is the sense of the world just being as it is…
And just being aware of the world as it is…
Everything, everyone, is just being -
just being the way they are….
just being the way they are….
What would it feel like to be fully awake?
A sense of innocent curiosity arises -
a joy of living…
The sounds, smells and sights of the night are experienced
with a sense of curiosity.
with a sense of curiosity.
They are not experienced as “distractions.”
They are just the “happenings” in this field of pure Awareness
that I sit in – that “I” is…
Beingness/Awareness is curious about how life works…
It is a feeling of being undisturbed and untouched by anything…
It is a sense of open receptivity, clarity, and deep awakeness to life…
A deep awakeness that just sees
and delights in what it sees…
Crickets chirp in unison – like a pulse – the pulse of Life singing in the night…
“No agenda” wafts through my head…
“The only thing that separates is *thought*” wafts through my awareness…
I’m beginning to really *feel* this sense of “no separation” here at the window,
a blurring of the boundaries…
Yet “Oneness” doesn’t seem to be the right word…
It’s more like inseparable, indistinguishable, indiscriminate…
But these are only words too…
I ask again: What would it feel like to be fully awake?
I know I have already received the “answer”….
And then, as if an afterthought, I heard – “Live as if…”
Live as if…you *are* Awake…
Btw – I welcome all of your comments. And I love that all of you share your insights and sharings in such positive, supportive, loving and respectful ways. We all hold a flashlight for each other on our way…
With gratitude…
Dear Christine...Thank you for this post. After a 'crack-the-heart-open' night the other night it is a relief to feel a bit of what you are posting this morning. I love it when I can be sitting -- doing what some might say is worldly actvity, such as reading a magazine -- and yet feeling a "blurring of the boundaries"…a relaxed attention that feels choiceless. An awareness that does not depend on a certain way of being or a set of rules.
ReplyDeleteYou emntioned ...“Oneness” doesn’t seem to be the right word…
It’s more like inseparable, indistinguishable, indiscriminate…" Sometimes I get hung-up that I have to 'see' the one-Existence but this morning it was more a vibrant blurring of the lines.
Christine...thank you so much for these posts. They are truly such genuine, delightful help.
Hello Leslie ~ I am glad that you find what gets expressed here "helpful." As always - it's just the light through the window.
ReplyDeleteYou said: "An awareness that doesn't depend on a certain way of being or set of rules...a relaxed attention..."that doesn't need to choose. I love this. That's what it feels like - just awareness - just seeing - just being as we are.
And I too have objectified the One, Awareness, Being as a "thing" that needs to be seen, or grasped in some way. I think we are conditioned that way - as many of us grew up in religions that objectified "God" as some man in the clouds, separate from us that we needed to "find"...
Thank you for your sharing this. It too is helpful :) C
Hi Christine,
ReplyDeleteSeems like it's more a wanting to repeat an experience of oneness...remembering that there was this unitary seeing.
I just need to relax. Then it's sweet and spacious. Someone clobber me...but not in the middle of the night!
This afternoon I was trying to see the veins of though that keep this aparition of separation up. There are a tough set of two that keep returning. Just let them be? Is that the way through? I think I see through more clearly where I got tripped up back in February...when things were getting very spacious. Brother... :)
Your blogs have been deeply helpful in working my way back out. Thank you Christine.
Hi Leslie ~ Yes, I am guilty about wanting to repeat an experience of "oneness", of *seeing*, of a felt experience with "The Beloved." It's intoxicating sometimes and hard not to *want* to repeat that! And yet, why not! It's fresh every night. I mean, isn't this really what we want! That Divine Union... Why not rendezvous with The Beloved... I think the Beloved likes it too :) The *idea* of separation will take care of itself...
ReplyDeleteI find window sitting is helping me not to have an agenda about this *seeing* and just relaxing into the Night - into The Beloved - however That shows up. This "blurring" of separation seems to only happen during window sitting. During the day the "division" seems to return... But the awareness is there... So I keep sitting and "trusting" The Beloved :) Is this objectifying!? :) oh well... I trust the process... without rules about how it is *supposed* to be...
May we all meet the Beloved! :) C
"May we all meet the Beloved! :)" -- YES!
ReplyDeleteToday...unlike most days...there was some blurring interspersed with the returning troika of thoughts. Definitely helped by last night 360 degree window sitting. :)
btw...if you haven't read Meg's latest post march right on over...it's priceless.
Thanking you Dear Christine...again and again.
LOL...meet the Beloved?!?! I fell ASLEEP. Dear Christine...whatever you do please don't write a 'Sleeping Window' -- keep this one up a while.